
Department of Business and Leadership

The Department of Business and Leadership offers a wide variety of majors and unique opportunities to blend business skills with technological expertise. Students are given opportunities to work collaboratively, develop critical problem-solving skills and excel in the use of technology in real-world applications.

All business majors are built on a common core of general business courses that support the entrepreneurial spirit of our students. All business students can expect to work closely with faculty who are student-centered, published, dedicated and creative.

III. Transfer Policy

Since the world is constantly changing, caution is used in accepting business transfer credit based on the age of the credits. Generally, the course must have been taken within 10 years of enrollment at the College, with this exception:

  • Accounting courses for students majoring/minoring in Accounting must be taken within 5 years of enrollment at the College, unless the student can demonstrate knowledge through current employment or a SMWC placement exam.

One-half of the total credit hours required for each business major must be taken at the College. These hours must include a minimum of 12 credit hours required in the major area (not the Business Core). Students may also choose to earn credit through CLEP or CPL.

V. Educational Goals

The curriculum for business majors is built on a business core that provides an educational foundation to enable all students to reach their potential. The following goals have been identified for courses in the business core: 1) ability to communicate well; 2) ability to think critically; 3) ability to work as a member of a team; 4) ability to solve problems and make decisions; 5) display professional attitude and ethical awareness; 6) awareness of domestic and international business environments; and 7) awareness of and empathy with diversity in the workplace.

In addition to the skills listed above, the Accounting major includes the following:

  1. Skills necessary to research accounting problems using both traditional and electronic sources.
  2. Ability to organize details so that they are easily understood for analysis and decision making.
  3. Ability to use appropriate computer programs to present financial information.


The department offers the following majors and minors: