
Department of Arts, Letters & Music

The Department of Arts, Letters and Music provides students with a number of opportunities to experience personal and creative enrichment while developing skills that will allow them to succeed in college and beyond. It is the home to classes in art and design, English, humanities, foreign languages, and music. The department also supports experiential learning opportunities, including exhibitions in our art gallery, the literary magazine Aurora, participating in solo and ensembles for music performance, clinical training in music therapy and internships under the supervision of faculty members.

I. Mission & Vision Statements

Mission Statement

The Department of Music and Theatre encourages the growth and development of tomorrow's leaders to bring about change and foster community through the cultivation of skills in the performing and expressive arts. 

Vision Statement

The Department of Music and Theatre strives to be a community of educational and cultural leaders fostering creative and innovative arts-based approaches to student-centered learning.

II. Student Requirements/ Admission Procedure

To provide the opportunity for the department’s faculty to assess the students’ development, students who wish to complete the Art, Graphic Design, Media Art, or Pre-Art Therapy majors must meet the following requirements:

The student is required to participate in a meeting with the faculty of the department following the completion of a minimum of 30 credits in their major. Students will be required to submit at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting, a one-page reflection of their experience in the major and their goals, along with a draft of their resume. During their meeting, students are expected to have a digital presentation of their 10 best pieces of artwork or designs prepared.

The student is required to participate in an exhibition in the department’s gallery during their senior year. Students will submit to the faculty at least one week prior to the opening of the exhibition, an artist’s statement. Students are expected to display their best work in a professional manner. A presentation with the department faculty and seniors will also take place during the time of the exhibition.


Auditions for all prospective Music/Music Therapy majors, minors, and equivalency students are required; in most cases students record the audition and submit a link to the music faculty according to guidelines on the SMWC website. Prospective music therapy majors also complete an interview with the music therapy faculty following music auditions.


Students who have declared as music majors are required to complete applied music examinations (juries) at the end of each semester. Each student must perform at least one composition for each hour of primary-level credit undertaken. Memorization is required of piano and vocal students. Attendance at all music programs and Convocations is required.

Each music major must demonstrate piano proficiency in the areas of:

  • All major and minor scales, as well as other scales and modes deemed appropriate by the music faculty
  • Harmonization of melody
  • Transposition
  • Accompanying
  • Sight playing.

Each music major is required to register for applied or class piano each semester until they pass the piano proficiency examination. Any requested substitutions for on-campus study of applied or class piano have prior approval by the piano faculty and the student’s advisor.

The piano proficiency exam must be passed before a student is eligible to begin an internship (music therapy). All components of the piano proficiency exam must be passed before a student receives a degree in music.

Music therapy students must also pass the guitar/voice competency exam prior to starting an internship. This exam is typically given in the second semester of junior year. Guitar study is included in the music therapy curriculum.

III. Transfer Policy

Since much of the art and design technology is constantly changing, caution is used in accepting transfer credits based on the age of the credits. Generally, a course must have been taken within 10 years of enrollment at the College. Some exceptions to this rule may be applied when the student is currently employed in the field. One-half of the total hours required for each of the department’s majors and minors must be taken at the College. Students may also choose to gain credit through a CLEP exam or CPL.

For students pursuing any major or minor in music, at least one half of total music credits, and one half of required ensemble and applied credits, must be completed at SMWC. Those pursuing music therapy or music therapy equivalency may transfer in up to six hours in music therapy studies but are required to complete all levels of clinical training and clinical improvisation at SMWC.

IV. Grade Policy

Students who declare a major or minor within the Arts and Letters area must earn a “C-” or higher for the final grade in any required class within the major or minor. If a “D+” or lower is recorded, the student must retake the course.

Students who declare a music therapy major or music therapy equivalency must earn a “B-“ or higher for the final grade in any music therapy course.

V. Educational Goals/Program Learning Outcomes

These degrees and programs in music are designed to foster:

  • A broad background of musical experiences
  • Development of competent musicianship
  • Development of capabilities in the use of principles and procedures that lead to an intellectual grasp of the art
  • Development of ability to perform appropriate to student’s area of study

VI. Programmatic Accreditation

All major music programs are accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music.

The music therapy programs are approved by the American Music Therapy Association.

The department offers the following majors and minors: