
Sport Management

A Sport Management degree will help SMWC graduates pursue careers in professional sports, intercollegiate athletics, interscholastic sports, fitness, health/wellness, or admission to graduate school.

Students who are most likely to be interested in a major in Sport Management at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College are those who:

  • Seek to work with a professional sport team
  • Desire to work in intercollegiate or Interscholastic Athletics as a coach or Athletics Director
  • Anticipate working at a sport, fitness, recreation or health/wellness facility
  • Want to earn a graduate degree

The Sport Management major is structured on a foundation of Business courses and a Statistics course totaling 18 credit hours and 33 credit hours of new sport specific coursework.

Sport Management Learning Outcomes

 A. Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of the history of the field, current trends and issues in Sport Management, the professional associations and benefits of membership, career options possible from earning a Sport Management degree and future trends and problems facing the industry today and in the near future.

B. Graduates will be able to apply their knowledge to actual situations and solve problems in the areas of professional, intercollegiate, interscholastic and recreational sport.

C. Graduates will demonstrate knowledge and ability to create a marketing plan that is based upon previous knowledge and ability to conduct relevant research to support solutions proposed in their plan.

D. Graduates will have an attitude of service to mankind through their chosen profession.

E. Graduates will have a framework for ethical decision-making in the Sport industry.

F. Graduates will reflect awareness of ethical framework in business decisions.

G. Graduates will view integrity, humility and strength of character as values to be developed within themselves.

H. Apply each of the above skills in practical experiences appropriate for the student’s career goals.

Student learning outcomes will coincide with the list of core competencies described by COSMA (Commission on Sport Management Accreditation) and NASSM (North American Society for Sport Management). The core competencies of the Sport Management major include Sport Marketing and Communications, sport finance, accounting, economics, legal aspects of sport, international foundations of sport, sport governance, facility and event management, and integrated field experiences and internships. Students will be assessed through written exams, case studies, papers on specific questions dealing with various issues related to sport management and its organizations, creation of sponsorship plans, marketing plans, and a portfolio for employment.