BIO 2470 Nutrition for Health

(formerly BIO 247)

This theory course examines nutrition as an integral factor in maintaining optimal health. Diets specific to age, ethnicity, culture and religion will be examined. The chemical components of food will be discussed with focus placed on current recommendations for healthy nutrition across the life span. Current research concerning the value of dietary supplements, diet as a component of complementary and alternative medical therapies, barriers to healthy nutritional practices, life style factors and trends will be explored. This is a Level II course for nursing majors.




Recommended prior courses for Nursing Majors: BIO 1200 and/or CHE 1120. Prerequisites for Biology Majors: BIO 1260, BIO 1270, and/or CHE 1320. Not to be used for Biology/Childhood or Biology/Adolescence Education majors towards their 200-level major elective requirements.




Fall, Spring