2019-2020 Catalog and Student Handbook

Spanish, Bachelor of Arts

Requirements for a major in Spanish:

Elective courses should be courses in other departments dealing with the regions where Spanish is spoken or with the culture or literature of Spanish-speaking countries; relevant courses in Linguistics; courses in Spanish numbered 200 and above; or courses in a second foreign language. Of the total 33 credit hours for the major, a maximum of 6 hours taken in English may be counted to satisfy major requirements. In addition, majors are required to spend at least one semester in an approved study abroad program in a country where Spanish is spoken as the dominant language and students undertake coursework that further develops their Spanish language skills. As part of the study abroad experience, students must complete a set of structured assignments given to them by the Spanish program during their semester or year away related to their experiences. Note: Spanish 301 has as a prerequisite Spanish 202. Students with the requisite experience may be placed directly into Spanish 301 by the Spanish program.

Required Spanish Courses (9 Hours)

SPAN 301Conversation & Composition


SPAN 331Spanish American Civilization


SPAN 351Panorama of Latin American Literature


Spanish electives (300-400 level)(15 Hours)

Approved electives (6 Hours )

An additional 6 hours approved by the modern languages department

Approved Study Abroad: (1-3)


SPAN 480Spanish Capstone Project



SPAN 490Spanish Capstone Project


Total Credit Hours: 33