Grade Point System (4.00)

The grade point average (GPA) for each student is based upon the scale of grade point values, and it is weighted for each course by its credit value. Cumulative grade point averages (CUM) are also based on the grade point values, and these have been maintained for all students enrolled since the fall of 1977. Effective fall 2020, the following grading policy is in effect:

Grading Policy
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
F 0-69
Note: From fall 1991 until fall 2012 a "R" grade was used instead of an "F."

The following is the College's grading interpretation:

Grading Interpretation
A Student meets the measurable objectives in an outstanding manner
B Student meets the measurable objectives in an above-average manner
C Student meets the measurable objectives
F Student has not met the measurable objectives and must repeat the course
L Listener/Auditor (with approval only)
I Incomplete
S Continuing Satisfactory (used only in courses with numbers under 100)
W Withdrawal with approval from College
U Withdrawal without approval from College

The following grades are included in the GPA calculation:

A 4.0 grade point value
B 3.0 grade point value
C 2.0 grade point value
F 0.0 grade point value
U 0.0 grade point value

The following grades are excluded from the GPA calculation:

I Incomplete
L Listener/Auditor
W Withdrawal with approval from the College

The following grades are given in developmental courses and are excluded in the GPA calculation:

AE Meets measurable objectives in an outstanding manner
BE Meets measurable objectives in an above average manner
CE Meets the measurable objectives
FE Has not met the measurable objectives and must repeat course
SE Continuing satisfactory

Note: Students who receive an "SE" grade and are receiving veterans educational benefits will be paid for the course during the first term of enrollment only. If the student reregisters for the course, the course cannot be included in the total credit hours reported for veterans educational benefits.

All students who receive an "SE" grade must re-enroll in the course within the succeeding term in order to improve their grade unless exception is made by the dean of instruction or their designee.

Definition of Terms:

Grade Point Value
is the value assigned to grades "A", "B", "C", "F" and "U". The inactive grades of "R," "D" and "P" will continue to carry grade point value historically.

Quality Point
is the product of the grade point value multiplied by the quality hours of the course.

Quality Hours
are the credit-hour value of those courses which are used in the calculation of the grade point average.

The Term GPA
is the total quality points earned during the term divided by the total quality hours attempted. Developmental courses will not be included in the calculation of term GPA. Term GPA will not be recalculated unless one of the two following conditions occurs: (1) an "I" grade is resolved or (2) a grade change is authorized.

Cumulative GPA
is the total cumulative quality points earned divided by the total cumulative quality hours attempted. The cumulative GPA is an historic index of all work taken at Delaware Tech and is not recalculated when a student changes majors. Work taken at other institutions is not included in the calculation of the
cumulative GPA. Developmental courses are not included in the cumulative GPA. The cumulative GPA at the end of each term will not be recalculated unless one of the two following conditions occur: (1) an "I" grade is resolved or (2) a grade change is authorized.