Advanced Standing

Students are encouraged to pursue advanced standing during the admissions process. Credits earned through advanced standing will be entered on the student transcript by the Registrar as they are received from the Dean of Instruction. Types of advanced standing are explained below.


Students who have taken CLEP (College-Level Examination Program) or DANTES (Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support) tests may request CLEP or DANTES to forward the results to Delaware Tech for evaluation for Advanced Credit. Specific CLEP or DANTES tests which apply to the student's academic program may be granted corresponding Delaware Tech credit.

International Baccalaureate

International Baccalaureate (IB) is a non-profit educational foundation offering programs of international education. Students who are high school graduates with acceptable scores may submit official copies of the IB test results for evaluation for credit for courses.

Credit by Examination

A student may receive credit for courses offered at Delaware Technical Community College by taking a competency evaluation administered by the department chairperson or his/her designee. The exact nature of the evaluation will be determined by the evaluator. In order to qualify for credit by examination, the student must have completed the admissions process and request approval in writing for the course in which he/she wishes to receive credit by examination. In addition, the student must not have received prior instruction at Delaware Tech in the course in which he/she is seeking credit by examination.

Since no instruction has taken place, a grade will not be assigned to credits awarded by examination. Successful completion of a course by examination will appear on the student's transcript as "Advanced Credits." Credits earned by way of examination may not be applied toward the residency requirement of the College. A fee equivalent to tuition for one credit hour will be assessed for each course which a student attempts to complete by examination.

Advanced standing credits will appear on the transcript of a declared student only upon completion of at least one term of instruction and provided the student is in satisfactory academic standing.

Credit for Advanced Placement Tests

The College recognizes the Advanced Placement Program offered through the College Board of the Educational Testing Service and grants credit, upon documentation, for Advanced Placement Test scores of three or higher. In order to obtain Advanced Placement credit, the student must submit official test scores to the Admissions Office for review by the appropriate chairperson.

Credits from Foreign Institutions

College-level credits earned at institutions outside the United States may be evaluated for transfer. Students will be required to submit transcripts with an official English translation by a professional foreign educational credentials evaluation service such as Worldwide Educational Service, North American Educational Group, AACRAO International Education Services, or International Education Research Foundation, if the original language for the institution is not English.

Age Limits on Courses

Delaware Tech does not apply blanket age limits to courses for the purpose of transfer in, meeting selective admissions programs' ranking/entrance procedures, or meeting program requirements in award completion. Age limits on courses for any of these purposes must be recommended by the relevant department chairpersons and approved by Academic Affairs administrators. Approved age limits on courses will be related to the competency(ies) students/graduates must demonstrate in the field, employment and other measures such as certification exams.

Approved time limits on applicability of courses to program admission and completion is available in program admission documents and on program web pages.

Evaluation of Transfer Credits

Credits from postsecondary institutions that are accredited by a U.S. Department of Education approved regional accrediting association will be accepted, if they apply to the established curricula of Delaware Technical Community College (Delaware Tech) and meet other requirements listed below.

Transfer Credit Evaluation Process:

  • The student must request and arrange for an official transcript from transferring institution to be sent to Delaware Tech.
  • The student must be admitted to Delaware Tech before transfer credits will be evaluated or posted to the student's academic history/transcript.
  • The Delaware Tech department chairperson who has oversight for the subject will evaluate course(s) for equivalent learning outcomes to a Delaware Tech course(s) when the following criteria is met:
    • The student earned a grade of "C" or better in the course being evaluated for transfer;
    • The course is applicable to a Delaware Tech major;
    • The course is eligible for transfer consideration based on the Age Limits on Courses Policy.
    • Approval of transfer credit for a course does not mean the transfer credit will satisfy selective programs' admission requirements or will apply to academic program requirements.

Approved Age Limits for Transfer In of Courses

Delaware Tech Program and Courses Yr. Limit (Date Approved By Deans)
CIS – Computer Information Systems 5 years (9/14)
CNE - Computer Network Engineering Technology 5 years (9/14)
CSC – Computing & Information Systems 5 years (9/14)
ISY – Information Security 5 years (9/14)
ITN – Information Technology and Networking 5 years (5/18)
MLT-Medical Laboratory Technician 5 years (10/14)
WIS – Web Information Systems 5 years (9/14)
  • Students requesting transfer credit may be required to provide supporting materials such as the course description(s) from the institution's catalog and/or course syllabus (syllabi) to complete the transcript evaluation.
  • Once evaluation of the course(s) is complete, Delaware Tech will post all transferred courses to the student's Delaware Tech academic history/transcript.
  • Notification of accepted and/or declined courses will be sent to students via the Delaware Tech email system.
    • Students may inquire with the appropriate department chairperson about declined transfer courses.
  • Transfer credits may not be applied toward the residency requirements of the College.
  • Students may check with their department chairperson regarding time limits and applicability of transfer courses to program admission and completion. Information is also available in program admission documents and in program web pages.
  • Transfer credits for developmental courses will be accepted if the Delaware Tech department chairperson responsible for the developmental courses(s) approves the transfer course as equivalent to the Delaware Tech course(s). Transfer credit for a developmental course exempts relevant portions of the Accuplacer test.
  • Students transferring to Delaware Tech with a previously awarded associate, baccalaureate, master, or doctoral degree from a postsecondary institution accredited by a U.S. Department of Education approved regional accrediting association will receive advanced standing (transfer) credit for Critical Thinking and Academic Writing (ENG101) and Composition and Research (ENG102).

Inter-Campus Transfer of Advanced Standing Credits

Advanced standing credits approved by a Delaware Tech campus department chairperson and dean of instruction become a part of the student's permanent record and will not be suppressed or negated by any other campus of Delaware Technical Community College.

Internal Career Education Pathways Guidelines

Internal Career Education Pathways Guidelines provide a bridge for completion of Workforce Development and Community Education (WDCE) non-credit programs/courses to advanced standing in designated Instructional Division credit programs/courses. A list of these approved opportunities is available from the campus WDCE office, the campus Registrar and academic counselors. To receive advanced standing, the student must:

  • Successfully complete the approved WDCE course(s) and demonstrate mastery of course objectives as required for advanced standing.
  • Request to receive advanced standing within the credit program's time frame for credit course transfer.
  • Be admitted into the credit program.

Advanced standing for a non-credit course(s) does not exempt students from demonstrating college readiness. If the student's Accuplacer scores indicate they need developmental course work the completed non- credit course(s) does not exempt them from the required developmental courses.

Military Credits

Credits earned through military training and service with a grade of "C" or better may be evaluated for transfer if the courses were taken at a regionally accredited college or university. Courses must meet time limit guidelines, be applicable to a Delaware Tech major, and have equivalent learning outcomes to a Delaware Tech course. The American Council on Education's Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services is used in the evaluation of military training and experience for academic credit.

Prior Learning/Work Experience Assessment

Students seeking college credit through evaluation of non-credit prior learning or work experience must complete a competency-based evaluation form to initiate an application for Prior Learning/Work Experience evaluation by the Department Chairperson. Students must be accepted in a program to apply for the evaluation process. Upon acceptance for the process, the student will pay a fee equivalent to tuition for a one-credit course.

Once the department chairperson accepts the student for the evaluation process, the chairperson or his/her faculty designee will guide the student to submit documentation to complete the evaluation process.

Transfer-Back Policy

Students who have transferred from Delaware Tech without earning a bachelor's degree, associate degree, diploma, or credit certificate may complete program requirements by transferring back courses that have been earned at other institutions and are approved as relevant to the award requirements of the major at Delaware Tech. If the student attended Delaware Tech within two calendar years, the transfer-back course(s) would be entered upon the student's record when the courses are accepted by Delaware Tech. If the student has not been enrolled in Delaware Tech for any of six consecutive terms, including summer sessions (two calendar years), the student must follow the readmission process and current curricular requirements for graduation. Time limits on completed Delaware Tech courses, as well as courses being transferred back, must meet departmental guidelines. The student must satisfy all requirements for graduation, including credits in residence.

Appeals Process

To appeal the evaluation or transferability of a course or prior learning/work experience evaluation, the student must submit a written request to the department chairperson responsible for the course for re-evaluation of advanced standing credit. The appeal must be made within 60 days of the notification of the declined course(s) and must include documentation for re-evaluation. Upon receipt of the appeal, the department chairperson will submit a copy of the appeal to the dean of instruction. The department chairperson will inform the student in writing within 14 working days if additional documentation for further evaluation is needed. The department chairperson will inform the student in writing of the final transfer credit decision.