D. Inez Andreas School of Business and Public Administration

Ioan Bogdan Daraban, Ph.D., Dean

Manuel J. Tejeda, Ph.D, MSEd, Associate Dean

Jessica Fleitas, MBA, PMP, Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Operations

Faculty: Beauchesne, Bragg, Castater, DePalma, Doss, Hartz, Huberman, Kemerer, Morrell, Orman, Payne, Rosenberg, Rutherford, Sadler, Schrouder, Sheng, Smith, Susnjara, Sussman, Talerico, Tyler, Wang, Wong, and Workman.


Our mission is to deliver high quality education that will enable our students to succeed as responsible business practitioners and leaders.

We strive to develop in our students a strong sense of ethics, social responsibility, and an entrepreneurial attitude within a global perspective.

We are committed to excellent teaching, engaged learning, and collaboration with our community. Our intellectual contributions emphasize practical applications, with our faculty also engaging in theoretical and empirical research and instructional development.

We operate in a highly cosmopolitan, multicultural setting, with students from around the world, as part of a Catholic, international university, and we function as a collaborative, inclusive community of caring faculty, staff, and students in the tradition of the Adrian Dominicans.

The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (B.S.B.A.) Degree Program

After completion of all business and elective requirements of the program leading to the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree, our graduates will possess a broad educational foundation that prepares them for positions of responsibility and leadership in business and society, both domestically and worldwide, where they will also function as responsible citizens. The learning goals of the program are:

  1. Our graduates will demonstrate sufficient comprehension and competence of major business knowledge and skills.
  2. Our graduates will demonstrate sufficient comprehension of individual, business, and community ethics and social responsibility.
  3. Our graduates will demonstrate an awareness of entrepreneurship and innovation and their importance.
  4. Our graduates will demonstrate sufficient comprehension of global business.

Student Code of Conduct

A university is a learning community that adheres to a long tradition of imparting knowledge through excellent teaching and research, the thoughtful and respectful exchange of ideas, and community service. In order to carry out this important work, it is necessary that students abide by the following:

Academic Honesty

Students in the Andreas School of Business will not engage in plagiarism—representing the work of another as their own. This includes purchasing term papers, using the work of a friend or any other person as your own, or not properly citing references. This includes proper referencing of both off-line as well as on-line sources. Failure to follow this mandate can result in failure of the course and possible dismissal from Barry University.

  • Students in the Andreas School of Business will not cheat, or engage in any activity that gives the appearance of dishonesty.
  • Students in the Andreas School of Business will not engage in any form of misrepresentation.
  • Students in the Andreas School of Business agree to do their share of the workload when working on a team project.

Classroom Behavior

  • Students in the Andreas School of Business will make every attempt to arrive to class on time and be prepared for the day’s work.
  • Students in the Andreas School of Business will turn off all beepers and cell phones before they arrive to class.
  • Students in the Andreas School of Business will not engage in any unruly behavior on campus and will respect the opinions of others.
  • Students in the Andreas School of Business will remain in the classroom during the class session. Going outside to get a drink, to use the restroom, or to chat with friends are unacceptable behaviors.
  • Unacceptable and unruly behavior in the classroom can lead to sanctions taken by the instructor ranging from a private reprimand to an unsatisfactory grade (F, NC) in the course. If the matter is considered serious, an instructor may also recommend to the Dean that the student be withdrawn from the course for academic reasons.

School Policies

  • Students in the Andreas School of Business are expected to behave professionally at all times, including the return of email messages and phone calls from faculty and staff.
  • Students in the Andreas School of Business will maintain business-like behavior at all times and show respect for fellow students, faculty, and administrators.
  • Students in the Andreas School of Business are expected to know the attendance policy (see Class Attendance Policy below) and to respect its implementation.

Class Attendance Policy

Students are expected to attend all classes and laboratory sessions. Students demonstrate their responsibility in the regularity and punctuality of their attendance at class sessions and other School functions. At the beginning of the semester, all instructors will define specific requirements for attendance in their classes as they relate to the course grade.

Graduation Requirements

  1. Students must declare their degree program as Bachelor of Science in Business Administration prior to completing their last 36 credit hours at Barry University.
  2. Graduation requirements for undergraduates must be completed as listed under Academic Information in this catalog. This includes the requirement to complete the last 30 credits at Barry University in keeping with University graduation requirements.
  3. The majority of School of Business coursework (core and major courses) must be completed at the Andreas School of Business.
  4. Coursework completed in other Barry University Colleges or Schools which may appear to be similar in content to School of Business courses will not be accepted as equivalent to School of Business courses and will not count towards graduation in a School of Business degree program or towards any School of Business minor. The only exception to this policy is the International Business elective course which is approved by the Director of the International Business program.
  5. Students must complete all B.S.B.A. Degree Requirements, which include required courses which fulfill distribution requirements, a general elective requirement, the core business curriculum, and major courses with a grade of C or better in each course.
  6. Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree through the Andreas School of Business cannot select a minor in the School of Business, except for the minor in economics.
  7. There must be satisfactory completion of a minimum of 120 credits with a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 (C).

Transfer Credits

Transferred lower division business courses (200-, 2000-level courses only) that appear to be equivalent to School of Business upper-division business courses (300-, 400-level courses) may be transferred as School of Business upper-division business courses upon review of the syllabus of the course by the discipline coordinator. Transferred lower division accounting courses that appear to be equivalent to School of Business upper-division accounting courses may not be transferred as School of Business upper-division business courses.

Career Development Center

The Barry University Career Development Center offers the students in the Andreas School of Business a variety of services that cover current students, alumni, and employers. The department coordinates all possible domestic internships and job placements for the School of Business. Internships offer undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to work in jobs directly related to their career fields while they are pursuing their degree. The department offers undergraduate and graduate students assistance in obtaining an internship position at a local corporation, which enhances students’ resumes and gives students a better chance of finding full-time placement in their field of study upon graduation. In addition to assistance with domestic internships, the Career Development Center provides placement on an ongoing basis for students and alumni of the School of Business at their request. The department assists students and alumni with information regarding job search assistance, resume preparation, interview skills, and networking resources. The Career Development Center also provides employers with information regarding on-campus recruitment, advertisement of vacancies, and linkages to candidates via the School of Business.

Students who wish to do a Domestic Internship for credit must register for the following course:

BUS-342/BUS-442 Domestic Internship is open to all School of Business students. Students wishing to register for an internship must contact the Career Development Center for information on domestic internships to obtain assistance and information on the requirements involved with doing an internship.

Requirements for the Domestic Internships include providing a contract, getting the approval of an internship advisor, the signing of the internship participation agreement, and two evaluations. Students should also obtain the guidelines for the final paper required to complete the course requirement of the internship.

Study Abroad and International Internships

Barry University offers a variety of Study Abroad options. School of Business students interested in arranging a study abroad experience should obtain information from Dr. Katherine Nelson, Department of Communication, College of Arts and Sciences. After obtaining information and choosing a location, students should see the Assistant Dean of the School of Business to discuss how the Study Abroad experience is best accommodated within their academic program and to obtain approval for the Study Abroad program. Students can only participate in a pre-approved Study Abroad program to obtain transfer credit. To participate in the program, students must fulfill the requirements of the Study Abroad program chosen and be in good standing. For more information, please see the Study Abroad Programs section of this catalog.

The School of Business assists students who have an International Business major in arranging their International Internship. International Business majors are required to do both a domestic and an international internship. The experience of working with a multi-national or foreign company abroad enhances an International Business student’s resume. However, the International Internship can also be done in an organization in the United States (see course description for BUS-341/BUS-441 in this section of the catalog). Students who do an International Internship must register for the following course:

Students who do an International Internship must register for the following course:

BUS-341/BUS-441 International Internship

The Director of International Business will provide all the necessary information on International Internships. Students wishing to arrange an International Internship must contact the Director of International Business for information and registration.

Requirements for the International Internship include providing a contract, getting the approval of an internship advisor, the signing of the internship participation agreement, and two evaluations. Students should also obtain the guidelines for the final paper required to complete the course requirement of the internship.

Changes of Major

Barry University students changing their major to a School of Business major must have completed all college preparatory courses successfully and meet the School’s minimum overall grade point average requirement of 2.25. The International Business major requires a 2.7 overall grade point average. The catalog year for students changing their major to a School of Business major will be the catalog year at the time of making the change.

Graduate Credits

The School of Business adheres to the University Policy concerning Graduate Credit for Qualified Undergraduate Seniors (see Academic Information section of this catalog) with the following addition. Undergraduate business majors in their final semester with a grade point average of 3.5 or above may be authorized by the Dean to register for up to six graduate credits while completing their undergraduate requirements. The graduate course selection is limited to MBA-682 and/or MBA-646. Neither admission to nor successful completion of these courses should be construed as admission to the graduate program.