Adrian Dominican School of Education, Leadership, and Human Development

Jill Beloff Farrell, Ed.D., Dean

Lilia C. DiBello, Ed.D., Associate Dean

Carter A. Winkle, Ph.D., Associate Dean

Sam Perkins, Ph.D., Certification Ombudsman and Program Director

Faculty: Ban, Borgen, Buckreis, DiBello, Farrell, Fischweicher, Gonzalez, Harris-Looby, Logan, Machuca, Markovic, Matusevich, McAtavey, McCrink, Meloun, Mertler, Ney, Perkins, Peterson, Provitera, Quamina, Reid, Rice, Ricketts-Duncan, Roberts, Roseman, Shine, Shure, Vera, Whitford, Wildermuth, Winkle.

Dean Emerita: Sister Evelyn Piche, Ph.D.

Faculty Emeritus: John Dezek, Ed.D., Ann Murphy, Ed.D.


The Adrian Dominican School of Education, Leadership, and Human Development is committed to promoting the mission of the University through teaching, advising, scholarship, research, and supportive service to the University, its students, and the community-at-large. Respecting life in all its diversity, we are committed to continuous improvement through collaborative processes. Thus, we:

  • offer a comprehensive range of professional courses and programs to prepare leaders for the twenty-first century;
  • continuously update programs to reflect changing societal needs; and
  • strive to nurture a student body who will succeed as highly-accomplished professionals, living with integrity and leading with a sense of service and stewardship.


The Adrian Dominican School of Education, Leadership, and Human Development through a competent and academically-prepared faculty, offers contemporary programs designed to:

  • meet current professional standards, including accreditation, licensure, and certification requirements;
  • provide knowledge and develop skills which enable graduates to practice in their career choices; and
  • develop attitudes which encourage a life-long commitment to quality teaching and learning.

Student Fees:

To help students attain the required fingerprint clearance for field experiences in classrooms and to enroll to take the program-required Florida Teacher Certification Exams (FTCE), a student fee is added at the time of student enrollment in two required courses in the B.S. in Education Program.

The first course is EDU 160 (Foundations of Education). The student fee added to this course covers the cost of the fingerprinting fee and the cost of the first attempt at the FTCE General Knowledge (GK) Exam.

The second course is EDU 371 (Instructional Strategies). For transfer students, the student fee added to this course covers the cost of the fingerprinting fee and the first attempt at the FTCE Subject Area Exam (SAE). For juniors who entered the program as beginning freshmen, the student fee covers the first attempt at the SAE.

Based upon revisions in State Certification requirements, there may be changes in these requirements which are not in place at the time of the publication of this catalog. Students have the sole responsibility to comply with requirements for certification/endorsements and to keep current with the changes in certification/endorsement requirements in order to graduate in a timely manner.

Undergraduate Program

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Education with Master of Science (M.S.) Option with Specializations in the following Areas

  • Early and Middle Childhood Education (K–6)/ESOL*/Reading*1
  • Infancy through Early Childhood Education (Birth–Grade 3)/ESOL*/Reading*1
  • Special Education (K–12)/ESOL*/Reading*1

1Indicates programs that are approved by the Florida State Department of Education (FLDOE)

*Indicates State of Florida endorsement

Those specializations noted allow students to attain a professional certification and applicable endorsements. As such, the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) may implement new requirements for certification and endorsements, which will become compulsory at the time required with or without notice in this catalog. Students have the sole responsibility to comply with requirements for certification/endorsements and to keep current with changes in certification/endorsement requirements in order to graduate in a timely manner.

This program is a high-quality, rigorous, state-approved program aimed to provide graduates with a(n):

  • education major and area of specialization (Early and Middle Childhood Education OR Infancy through Early Childhood Education OR Special Education);
  • option to earn a subject-area minor or any undergraduate minor offered at Barry University
  • endorsement (K–12) in teaching English as a Second Language (ESOL) in Florida; and
  • endorsement (K–12) in (teaching) Reading in Florida.

There are four thematic strands that are systematically woven throughout the program. These are:

  • social justice,
  • social/political/community contexts,
  • critical thinking/problem solving, and
  • professional development.

Specific knowledge, skills, and dispositions for these thematic strands will be addressed throughout the program.

The program provides significant time in field settings for candidates beginning with the first education course in the first year of the program. Field/Clinical experiences build upon previous experiences and increase as candidates progress through the program, providing ample opportunity to practice in the field under the mentorship of clinically-trained, experienced teachers and university supervisors.

In the Senior year, students in the program will complete a year-long clinical placement. This placement will incorporate a Pre-Internship placement, as well as an Internship placement, in the same placement site.

Community service is directly and purposefully planned into this program at two critical points. The first is through the capstone project during the fourth year, and the second occurs through the culminating project at the Master’s level.

Upon completion of the Senior year, all students who meet all program requirements will earn a Bachelor’s degree and have the option of continuing into the Master’s portion of the program. During the spring semester of the senior year, students must complete documentation with their advisors to insure that they meet the preliminary requirements for graduate status.

Participants enrolled in the Masters option of the program are provided extensive individualized mentoring, especially during their first year as full-time teachers in their own classrooms.


The vision of the B.S. in Education with M.S. Option program is to prepare critically-reflective, highly-qualified, effective, teaching professionals who are empowered to be responsive to the learning needs of students from diverse communities through a social-justice framework.


As a result of completing this program, graduates will be able to:

  1. become strong advocates for social change in educational settings through teacher leadership roles and opportunities;
  2. be highly-qualified effective teaching professionals empowered to meet the diverse needs of students and their -communities;
  3. critically reflect upon the social and political opportunities to be responsible and responsive citizens; and
  4. enhance their own professional development through critical analysis of their own knowledge, skills, and -dispositions.

Barry Distribution and General Education Requirements for Transfer Students

All students in the undergraduate teacher-education program are required to meet Barry University distribution requirements prior to full admission to the program/major. Please contact the Program Director for advising in reference to transfer credits.

Acceptance to the School of Education, Leadership, and Human Development

In order to be accepted into the undergraduate teacher preparation program in the School of Education, Leadership, and Human Development students must have a cumulative 2.5 GPA or above.

Students applying for acceptance to the graduate option must maintain a 2.5 GPA through the first semester of their junior year. Then each student must have a 3.0 GPA by the second semester of their junior year and maintain the 3.0 GPA for graduate admission. Each student must pass the Professional Education Exam of the Florida Teacher Certification Exam (FTCE) by the end of their first semester of their junior year. Each student must pass the Subject Area Exam of the FTCE by the end the second semester of their junior year. 

Official scores of the exams must be provided.


Full Admission to the B.S. in Education Program

In order to be fully admitted to the B.S. in Education with an M.S. Option Program, students:

  • must have maintained a 2.5 GPA within the first year of the program and must have passed all four (4) sections of the General Knowledge portion of the FTCE.  Official scores must be provided.
  • must demonstrate computer proficiency by earning a grade of C or better in CS 180 or an approved equivalent course, or by earning an acceptable score on the computer challenge test; and
  • must earn a grade of “C” or better in EDU 160 or an approved equivalent course.

Students who are unable to meet full-admission requirements by the end of their first year in the program will meet with the Program Director to discuss options.

*Criminal background checks including fingerprinting are required of all students in the School of Education, Leadership, and Human Development.  Criminal background checks including fingerprinting are required of students who work with minor children in any capacity in a public- and/or private-school setting. Fingerprinting Clearance is required before placement can be made in public- and/or private-school settings.

International Students in B.S. in Education with M.S. Option Program

International students with an F-1 visa status must fulfill the following conditions for the graduate year of this degree program:

  • pursue a degree course of study as a full-time degree seeking student (at least 9 credits at the Master’s level each semester),
  • obtain permission from the U.S. Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services before working off campus, and
  • hold a current valid passport and a current visa that is valid for the duration of the full course of study.

Standards of Progress

All students in the B.S. in Education with an M.S. Option Program must maintain a 2.5 GPA through their first semester junior year. Beginning with the second semester junior year, students in the program who wish to continue to the Master’s portion of the program must maintain a 3.0 GPA to meet the requirements for admission into the Master’s portion of the program. Students who are unable to meet the 3.0 GPA requirement for the Master’s portion of the program will complete only the undergraduate portion of the program.  Students must earn a course grade of C or above to earn credit for the core requirements for the program and the program specialization courses.

Academic Probation

Students remain in good academic standing if the cumulative GPA is 2.5 or above once they are accepted to the School of Education, Leadership, and Human Development.  A student is placed on academic probation if the student’s cumulative GPA falls below a 2.5. Students in the program who plan to move into the Master’s portion of the program must maintain a 3.0 GPA beginning with their second semester of junior year. The Dean of the School of Education, Leadership, and Human Development may require a student on probation to register for a limited course load. During the probationary period, students must meet requirements to be in good standing in the subsequent semesters or be placed on academic suspension.

Academic Suspension

A student who is on probation for two consecutive semesters will be suspended by the School of Education, Leadership, and Human Development.  A student who has been suspended for academic reasons must change the major out of education and may not petition ADSOE for readmission until one year has elapsed and an applicable GPA pertinent to the program/major has been attained. Further, suspended students may only repeat courses in which a grade of “D” or “F” was earned. The Admissions Office must have the approval of the Dean of the School of Education, Leadership, and Human Development to readmit a student following suspension. A student suspended for any reason will be subject to those criteria and guidelines specified in the University Catalog and required by the FLDOE in effect at the time of readmission with or without notice in this catalog.

Incomplete Grades

Incomplete grades (I) are given in an emergency situation. The grade of “I” is not used to allow students to complete field experiences, extend assignment deadlines, or to subsequently do extra work to raise the grade earned during the term/semester in which the course was taken.

The student is solely responsible for redeeming an incomplete grade within the semester following its receipt. The student will automatically be awarded a final grade of “F” if the “I” is not redeemed within the semester following receipt of the “I” grade. A student who earns an incomplete during the student’s graduating semester will forfeit graduation and must re-apply for graduation. Once an “F” has superseded the grade of “I,” it cannot be retracted. A grade of “I,” even when redeemed, is part of the official transcript and will remain on the transcript.

In Progress Grade

In Pre-Internship and Internship, an “In Progress” (IP) is given at the discretion of the Coordinator of Field and Clinical Experiences. This grade will be given when any of the following requirements are not met:

  1. Passage of licensure exams, until official copies of tests scores are submitted to the Coordinator of Field and Clinical Experiences and the Director of the BS/MS in Education Program.
  2. Successful completion of the Accomplished Practices;
  3. Successful completion of the Teacher Work Sample (TWS); or
  4. Successful demonstration of Reading Endorsement Competency 5.

The “IP” grade will remain on the student’s record until such time that the student meets the requirements for Internship.

Any Intern receiving an “I” or “IP” must reapply for graduation and pay an additional graduation fee, as noted on the application form, for the nearest graduation date AFTER meeting the above criteria for which the “I” or “IP” was given.

Field and Clinical Experience Requirements

Field experience is a required component of many undergraduate professional-education courses. The student is required to undergo security clearance and pay a fee, depending upon the county or district in which the field-experience placement is made. Clearance can take several weeks, and students should begin this process early in their freshman year to insure clearance is secured prior to beginning field experience. Students who do not clear fingerprinting will not be able to participate in field experience, and this will result in a failing grade for the course(s) in which field experience is required. Placement in field experiences is dependent upon criminal/fingerprinting clearance and is determined by the Coordinator of Field and Clinical Experiences. Placements in schools must incorporate a sixth (6th) grade or higher placement as required for the Reading Endorsement. (Should the 6th grade or higher placement not be completed during field experience, such placement will be made for Pre-Internship/Internship as applicable to the program.)


This is the first of two advanced-level school-based clinical experiences in the senior year of study and provides the student with two days per week of full-time school site experiences under the supervision of a certified teacher. Students must apply for Pre-Internship at least one semester prior to enrolling in the course.

Application Requirements for Pre-Internship Include

  • 3.0 overall GPA for students continuing to the Master’s portion of the Program (2.5 overall GPA for those students unable to continue to the Master’s portion of the program);
  • copies of official scores for the General Knowledge, Professional Education, and Subject Area Examinations of the FTCE;
  • completion of all required coursework except EDU-401 (If earning a subject-area minor); EDU-451; EDU-466; EDU-597; EDU-598; and ECE-402, EMC-402, or ESE-402, depending on the student’s chosen specialization in the program. Each of these courses is taken during the Pre-Internship or Internship semesters.


This is the second of two advanced-level school-based clinical experiences in the senior year of study and provides the student with five days per week of full-time school site experiences under the supervision of a certified teacher. In addition to the requirements identified for the Pre-Internship course, Application requirements for Internship also include:

  • a grade of credit (CR) in EDU-497 Pre-Internship,
  • must have completed at least 30 semester hours of coursework at Barry University,
  • proof of Student Teaching Liability Insurance,
  • a grade of credit (CR) in EDU-401 (If earning a subject-area minor),
  • a grade of “C” or better in EDU-451,
  • a grade of “C” or better in EDU-597.
    1. Placement for Internship will not be made at sites where the Intern is currently employed;
    2. has had previous employment;
    3. has attended as a student; or
    4. has family employed or attending, including children.

Graduation Requirements for All Undergraduate Specializations

  • 3.0 overall GPA is required for graduation from the undergraduate portion of the B.S. in Education with M.S. Option program for those entering the Master’s portion of the program;
  • 2.5 overall GPA for those not entering the Master’s portion of the program;
  • no grades of “I” or “IP” remaining on transcript;
  • complete all Internship requirements;
  • must have applied for graduation and paid appropriate fees as applicable; and
  • complete all degree requirements for program/major, state certification, and all endorsement requirements: passing scores on ALL sections of the FTCE must be earned in order to graduate.  Official scores must be provided;
  • 120 undergraduate credit hours earned or higher.

Should graduation be forfeited, the student is responsible for submitting an updated graduation application with accompanying fees. Students continuing into the M.S. option must present documentation of the earned Bachelor’s degree in Education with specialization and minor within three (3) weeks of the undergraduate graduation to be officially admitted to the graduate program. Students who do not present such documentation will be administratively dropped from all graduate courses in which they are enrolled, will forfeit any and all payments and fees already tendered and will be denied admission to the graduate program.

Licensure/Certification Information

Only students who have completed all requirements for any State-approved degree program will have their transcripts stamped as graduating from a state-approved program meeting requirement for certification as well as meeting the ESOL and Reading endorsement requirements. As the state implements new requirements for certification, they will be compulsory with or without notice in this catalog. The student has the sole responsibility to comply with the requirements for certification and to keep current with changes in certification requirements. The student is responsible for securing the application for certification and submitting the necessary documents and fees to the Florida State Department of Education to obtain certification and endorsements.

Post-Baccalaureate Certification/Re-Certification

Professional education courses offered in the School of Education, Leadership and Human Development satisfy the requirements of eligibility for teacher certification/re-certification. Post-baccalaureate students needing certification/re-certification courses should contact the DOE Certification Ombudsman in the School of Education, Leadership, and Human Development for guidance.