Incomplete Grades

An incomplete (I) grade is a temporary grade given only during the last one-fourth of a term/ semester and only if:

  1. The student is passing the course to date;
  2. The student will not have completed the required coursework within the allotted time of a regular semester or summer session; and
  3. The instructor determines that the reason for the work being incomplete is valid and that the grade of “I” is justified.

A written agreement between the student and the instructor specifying the work to be made up and the deadline for its accomplishment must be filed in the office of the Department Chair at the time that the “I” is submitted. The work agreed upon must be satisfactorily completed and the “I” changed no later than the end of the next regular (Fall or Spring) semester from the date the “I” was received (unless an extension is requested by the instructor) or the grade will automatically be recorded as the grade alternatively assigned by the faculty at the time of submitting the written agreement.

The Office of the Registrar must receive the complete Request for Grade of Incomplete Form with all required signatures by the published deadline for faculty to enter grades, or an NR grade will be entered.