MECE 7100 Engineering Project

This course is to complete an engineering project or task in several situations related to, but not limited to, the following: 

a) a thesis research project that needs additional work after the thesis is successfully defended;

b) an internship at a company or other university to complete a specific engineering project that requires the student to be enrolled at the university,

c) research of visiting students from other institutions (like in collaborative projects);

d)  students whose purpose is to be enrolled at the university to take the comprehensive oral and/or written exit examinations;

e) complete an independent study engineering project or task under the supervision of one or more faculty members. 


This course allows the student to complete such project or task while being enrolled at the university for one credit hour under the supervision of one or more faculty members.




Consent and approval of the student's faculty advisor and the graduate coordinator

Schedule Type

Independent Study

Grading Basis

Standard Letter (A-F)

Administrative Unit

Mechanical Engineering


As scheduled