Academic Catalog

Quality Assurance and Institutional Effectiveness

1. Policy 

  • UD is committed to maintaining high academic standards and ensuring quality assurance aligned with its vision and mission. UD demonstrates this commitment through systematic and regular monitoring, reviewing, and evaluating the effectiveness of all aspects of its operations and educational programs.

  • In its pursuit of academic excellence, UD employs a rigorous approach to program and course evaluation. UD makes scrupulous and effective use of independent academic and professional advice to assess the quality of its academic, student, and administrative services, relying on evidence-based practices.

  • UD benchmarks its performance against the best equivalent practices of both local and international institutions. This comparative analysis ensures that the institution remains at the forefront of educational excellence and innovation, adapting to global standards while maintaining a commitment to local relevance.

  • UD shall utilize the results of its evaluations as a strategic tool in planning, budgeting, and establishing priorities. The findings guide decision-making processes and serve as a foundation for continuous improvement, enabling UD to allocate resources effectively and prioritize initiatives that enhance the overall quality of educational programs and services.

  • UD upholds a commitment to transparency by regularly reporting on the outcomes of evaluations and the subsequent improvements made in response to the findings. This transparency fosters accountability among stakeholders and reinforces UD's dedication to maintaining and enhancing academic standards and quality assurance.

  • UD shall maintain a quality assurance manual in compliance with the CAA Procedural manual  Annex 8- that clearly sets out all quality assurance policies, procedures and activities and shows how they are integrated into a single system to continually appraise and improve the institution as a whole and its programs, services, and operations, including any joint programs. 

  • Academic and administrative units shall conduct regular assessments of their programs, services, and operations.

  • Data collected from assessments will be analyzed to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement.

  • Action plans will be developed to address areas for improvement, and progress will be monitored regularly.

  • UD uses the results of internal evaluations to inform the process of producing Self-Studies required by the CAA for Institutional Licensure or Program Accreditation, as per the requirements of the Procedural Manuals. 

2. Responsibilities

  1. President:
    The President is responsible for providing strategic direction and support for quality assurance and institutional effectiveness initiatives.

  2. Department of QAIE
    The department of QAIE  will oversee the overall development, implementation, and evaluation of quality assurance and institutional effectiveness initiatives and provide support to academic and administrative units.

  3. VPAA, Deans, Program Directors and Faculty:
    Deans and Program Directors and faculties are responsible for implementing and monitoring quality assurance institutional effectiveness measures within their respective academic areas.

  4. DOA, Administrative Managers and Staff:
    DOA, Administrative Managers, and Staff collectively share the responsibility of implementing institutional effectiveness and quality assurance measures. This includes conducting regular assessments, analyzing data, and collaboratively contributing to the development of action plans, addressing areas for improvement, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement across administrative functions.

3. Procedure

3.1 QAIE Manual

The QAIE will develop a comprehensive annual QAIE Manual outlining the policies, procedures, and guidelines for institutional effectiveness and quality assurance. This manual will encompass explicit details regarding timelines, processes, and assessment tools, providing a thorough guide for all stakeholders involved in the continuous enhancement of the university's academic and administrative functions.

3.2 QAIE Functions and Objectives

In alignment with UD’s commitment to excellence and continuous improvement, UD has formulated comprehensive QAIE functions and objectives. These objectives serve as guiding principles, ensuring strategic alignment, regulatory compliance, and a steadfast focus on quality across the university's operations. The following outlines our key policy objectives for Institutional Planning, Institutional Research, Ranking and Accreditation, and Quality Assurance functions.



A. Institutional Planning

Policy Management

To streamline and enhance the effectiveness of policies at the university, ensuring a more efficient policy lifecycle from creation to implementation.

Strategic Planning

To assess the achievement of the strategic goals of the academic and administrative departments at UD.

B. Institutional Research

Ministry Reporting

Ensure accurate and timely reporting to the Ministry, meeting regulatory requirements and providing transparent data.

Surveys & Feedback

Conduct surveys and collect feedback to inform decision-making, enhance student experiences, and improve services.

Catalogs & Handbooks

Regularly update catalogs and handbooks to reflect program changes, ensuring accurate information for all stakeholders.

Student Success

Investigate and analyze student success data to identify areas for improvement and implement targeted interventions.


Engage in benchmarking activities to measure performance against industry standards and identify areas for enhancement.

C. Ranking & Accreditation

International Ranking

Pursue international ranking strategies to enhance the global standing of the university and attract diverse talent.

Substantive Changes

Effectively manage substantive changes, ensuring compliance with accrediting bodies and maintaining institutional integrity.

Program Accreditation

To manage and prepare for the requirements of licensure and national and international accreditations, in cooperation with the academic and administrative units.

D. Quality Assurance


Compliance & Audit

Conduct regular compliance and audit checks to ensure adherence to established policies and regulatory requirements.

Course File Audit

Perform random course file audits to maintain consistency, accuracy, and relevance in academic program documentation.

Program Effectiveness & Self Evaluation

Implement robust program effectiveness and self-evaluation mechanisms to continually enhance educational offerings.

Document Control

Establish and maintain a document control system to ensure the integrity and accessibility of institutional records.

3.3 QAIE Annual reports

  1. The QAIE compiles an annual summary of institutional research data, e.g. a Fact Book, to be used for monitoring performance, reporting, and institutional planning, and for reporting to the CAA.

  2. The QAIE will lead the compilation and preparation of the comprehensive Annual Institutional Effectiveness Report, which will encompass aggregated data, analysis of outcomes, and recommendations for continuous improvement across the university. This report will serve as a key document for internal assessment, external accreditation processes, and strategic planning efforts.

3.4 Continuous Improvement & Action Plan

  1. The QAIE Committee will review the annual effectiveness report, analyzing key findings and trends.

  2. Based on assessment outcomes, each department  develops action plans to address areas for improvement.

  3. Action plans will be submitted to the QAIE department  for review and feedback.

  4. Progress on action plans will be monitored regularly, and adjustments will be made as necessary.

3.5 Effectiveness and Efficiency 

  1. The QAIE will regularly evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the QAIE framework.

  2. The academic and administrative staff will assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the QAIE department by participating in surveys.

  3. The QAIE department produces an annual self evaluation report on the effectiveness of its quality assurance system, and the performance and effectiveness of its QAIE framework.