601-1 - Accreditation and Licensure Contacts

Title: Accreditation and Licensure
Owner: Office of the President and Vice President of Academic and Regulatory Operations
Last Updated/Revised: 05/01/2024

Policy: United States University (USU) holds institutional and programmatic accreditation. It holds several state approvals from state licensing agencies and States Departments of Education. USU has obtained these approvals for various reasons, including to ensure USU can offer the program in the state or to ensure the program meets the educational requirements for licensure.

For the most current disclosure information please see the Accreditation and Approvals Page.

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to disclose accreditation status of the institution and what can be offered to residents of specific states. 

Scope: The scope of this policy applies to all constituents of the university.

Documents and Forms: None