Career Services

United States University provides Career Services to students and alumni in career preparation at no additional cost. Visit the Career Resources Website to access relevant resources and connect with Career Services. The University cannot guarantee employment after the student has successfully completed the program of study and does not provide job placement.

Below is a listing of the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Codes the University has identified for each program in which it prepares its students for the job market. SOC Codes are used to categorize occupations based on industry and degree pathway and are used for reporting purposes. For more information on SOC Codes please contact Career Services.


 Degree Programs SOC Codes
 Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies 11-1021, 11-2022, 11-2032, 11-3012, 11-3031, 11-3031.01, 11-3031.03, 11-9051, 13-1071, 13-1151, 13-2052, 13-2072, 5-3041, 25-3099, 25-9031, 25-9042, 33-3051.00, 33-3501.04, 25-2021, 25-2031, 25-2011, 25-2022, 25-3011, 25-3031, 21-1012
 Bachelor of Arts in Management 11-1021.00, 11-2011.00, 11-2021.00, 11-2022.00, 11-2032.00, 11-2033.00, 11-3012.00, 11-3013.00, 11-3013.01, 11-3021.00, 11-3031.00, 11-3031.03, 11-3051.00, 11-3051.01, 11-3051.02, 11-3051.03, 11-3051.04, 11-3051.06, 11-3061.00, 11-3071.00, 11-3071.04, 11-3111.00, 11-3121.00, 11-3131.00, 11-9013.00, 11-9021.00, 11-9041.00, 11-9041.01, 11-9051.00, 11-9071.00, 11-9072.00, 11-9081.00, 11-9111.00, 11-9121.00, 11-9141.00, 11-9151.00, 11-9161.00, 11-9171.00, 11-9179.00, 11-9179.02, 11-9199.00, 11-9199.01, 11-9199.02, 11-9199.08, 11-9199.09, 11-9199.10, 13-1011.00, 13-1082.00, 13-1111.00, 13-1161.00, 13-1199.00, 13-1199.04, 13-1199.05, 13-1199.06, 13-1199.07, 15-1299.03, 15-1299.09, 15-2051.01, 15-1253 
 Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education 25-2021, 25-2011, 25-2022, 25-2012, 25-3031, 21-1012
Bilingual Authorization: 25-3010, 25-3011, 25-3031, 21-1012
 Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences 11-9111.00, 15-1211.01, 21-1091.00, 21-1094.00, 25-1071.00, 29-2072.00, 29-9099.00, 11-1021.00
 Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 15-1211.00, 15-1211.01, 15-1212.00, 15-1221.00, 15-1231.00, 15-1232.00, 15-1241.00, 15-1241.01, 15-1242.00, 15-1243.00, 15-1243.01, 15-1244.00, 15-1251.00, 15-1252.00, 15-1253.00, 15-1254.00, 15-1255.00, 15-1255.01, 15-1299.00, 15-1299.01, 15-1299.03, 15-1299.04, 15-1299.05, 15-1299.06, 15-1299.07, 15-1299.08, 15-1299.09, 15-2011.00, 15-2021.00, 15-2031.00, 15-2041.00, 15-2041.01, 15-2051.00, 15-2051.01, 15-2051.02, 15-2099.00, 15-2099.01, 15-1253
 Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN) 11-9111.00, 21-1091.00, 21-1094.00, 29-2072.00, 29-1141.00, 29-1141.01, 29-1141.03, 29-1141.04, 29-9099.00, 11-1021.00
 Education Specialist  11-1020, 11-1021, 11-2000, 11-2010, 11-2011, 11-2020, 11-2021, 11-2022, 11-2030, 11-3000, 11-3010, 11-3012, 11-3013, 11-9000, 11-9030, 11-9031, 11-9033, 11-9039, 21-2020, 21-2021, 25-0000, 25-3031, 21-1012
 Doctor of Business Administration 11-1011.00, 11-1011.03, 11-1021.00, 11-3013.01, 11-3121.00, 11-3131.00, 11-9031.00, 11-9032.00, 11-9033.00, 11-9039.00, 11-9111.00, 11-9151.00, 11-9161.00, 11-9179.00, 11-9199.00, 11-9199.01, 11-9199.02, 11-9199.08, 13-1041.00, 13-1041.01, 13-1041.03, 13-1199.00, 13-1199.04, 13-1199.05, 13-1199.07, 13-2022.00, 13-2023.00, 13-2051.00, 13-2052.00, 13-2081.00, 13-2099.00, 13-2099.01, 25-1011.00, 25-1063.00, 25-1122.00, 25-1199.00, 33-3021.06, 15-1253
 Doctor of Education  11-1020, 11-1021, 11-2000, 11-2010, 11-2011, 11-2020, 11-2021, 11-2022, 11-2030, 11-3000, 11-3010, 11-3012, 11-3013, 11-9000, 11-9030, 11-9031, 11-9033, 11-9039, 21-2020, 21-2021, 25-0000, 25-1000, 25-1010, 25-1011, 25-1020, 25-1021, 25-1022, 25-1030, 25-1031, 25-1032, 25-1040, 25-1041, 25-1042, 25-1043, 25-1050, 25-1051, 25-1052, 25-1053, 25-1054, 25-1060, 25-1061, 25-1062, 25-1063, 25-1064, 25-1065, 25-1066, 25-1067, 25-1069, 25-1070, 25-1071, 25-1072, 25-1080, 25-1081, 25-1082, 25-1110, 25-1111, 25-1112, 25-1113, 25-1120, 25-1121, 25-1122, 25-1123, 25-1124, 25-1125, 25-1126, 25-1190, 25-1192, 25-1193, 25-1194, 25-1199, 25-3031, 21-1012
 Doctor of Nursing Practice 11-1011.00, 11-1021.00, 11-9033.00, 11-9039.00, 11-9111.00, 25-1072.00
 Master of Arts in Education 25-1000, 25-1020, 25-1040, 25-1050, 25-1060, 25-1070, 25-1080, 25-3000, 25-3090, 25-1010, 25-1011, 25-1020, 25-1021, 25-1030, 25-1031, 25-1032, 25-1041, 25-1042, 25-1043, 25-1051, 25-1052, 25-1053, 25-1054, 25-1061, 25-1062, 25-1063, 25-1064, 25-1065, 25-1066, 25-1067, 25-1068, 25-1069, 25-1071, 25-1072, 25-1081, 25-1082, 25-3010, 25-3011, 11-9033, 11-9031, 21-1012, 25-3031, 21-1012
 Master of Arts in Teaching Multiple Subject Program: 25-2021, 25-2011, 25-2022, 25-2012, 25-3031, 21-1012
Single Subject Program: 25-2030, 25-2031, 25-2022, 25-3031, 21-1012
Bilingual Authorization: 25-3010, 25-3011, 25-3031, 21-1012
 Master of Business Administration 11-1011.00, 11-1011.03, 11-1021.00, 11-1031.00, 11-2011.00, 11-2021.00, 11-2022.00, 11-2032.00, 11-2033.00, 11-3012.00, 11-3013.00, 11-3013.01, 11-3021.00, 11-3031.00, 11-3031.01, 11-3031.03, 11-3051.00, 11-3051.01, 11-3051.02, 11-3051.03, 11-3051.04, 11-3051.06, 11-3061.00, 11-3071.00, 11-3071.04, 11-3111.00, 11-3121.00, 11-3131.00, 11-9013.00, 11-9021.00, 11-9031.00, 11-9032.00, 11-9033.00, 11-9039.00, 11-9041.00, 11-9041.01, 11-9051.00, 11-9071.00, 11-9072.00, 11-9081.00, 11-9111.00, 11-9121.00, 11-9121.01, 11-9121.02, 11-9131.00, 11-9141.00, 11-9151.00, 11-9161.00, 11-9171.00, 11-9179.00, 11-9179.01, 11-9179.02, 11-9199.00, 11-9199.01, 11-9199.02, 11-9199.08, 11-9199.09, 11-9199.10, 13-1011.00, 13-1021.00, 13-1022.00, 13-1023.00, 13-1031.00, 13-1032.00, 13-1041.00, 13-1041.01, 13-1041.03, 13-1041.07, 13-1041.08, 13-1051.00, 13-1071.00, 13-1074.00, 13-1075.00, 13-1081.00, 13-1082.00, 13-1111.00, 13-1121.00, 13-1141.00, 13-1151.00, 13-1161.00, 13-1161.01, 13-1199.00, 13-1199.04, 13-1199.05, 13-1199.07, 13-2011.00, 13-2022.00, 13-2023.00, 13-2031.00, 13-2041.00, 13-2051.00, 13-2052.00, 13-2053.00, 13-2054.00, 13-2061.00, 13-2071.00, 13-2072.00, 13-2081.00, 13-2082.00, 13-2099.00, 13-2099.01, 13-2099.04, 15-1299.09, 25-1011.00, 25-1063.00, 25-1122.00, 25-1199.00, 33-3021.06, 15-1253
 Master of Science in Nursing – Health Care Leadership 11-1011.00, 11-9033.00, 11-9039.00, 11-9111.00, 21-1091.00, 21-1094.00, 29-1141.00, 29-1141.01, 29-1141.03, 29-9099.00, 11-1021.00
 Master of Science in Nursing – Nurse Educator 11-1011.00, 11-9033.00, 11-9039.00, 11-9111.00, 21-1091.00, 21-1094.00, 29-1141.00, 29-9099.0011-9033, 11-9039, 21-1091, 25-1072, 25-2032, 11-1021.00
 Master of Science in Nursing - Family Nurse Practitioner 11-1011.00, 11-9033.00, 11-9039.00, 11-9111.00, 21-1091.00, 21-1094.00, 29-1141.00, 29-1171.00, 29-9099.00, 11-1021.00
 Teacher Credentialing Multiple Subject Program: 25-2021, 25-2011, 25-2022, 25-2012, 25-3031, 21-1012
Single Subject Program: 25-2030, 25-2031, 25-2022, 25-3031, 21-1012
Bilingual Authorization: 25-3010, 25-3011, 25-3031, 21-1012
 ---  ---
 Certificate Programs  SOC Codes
 Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics
15-1211.00, 15-1211.01, 15-1212.00, 15-1221.00, 15-1231.00, 15-1232.00, 15-1241.00, 15-1241.01, 15-1242.00, 15-1243.00, 15-1243.01, 15-1244.00, 15-1251.00, 15-1252.00, 15-1253.00, 15-1254.00, 15-1255.00, 15-1299.00, 15-1299.01, 15-1299.03, 15-1299.05, 15-1299.06, 15-1299.07, 15-1299.08, 15-1299.09, 15-2021.00, 15-2031.00, 15-2041.00, 15-2041.01, 15-2051.00, 15-2051.01, 15-2051.02, 15-2099.00, 15-2099.01, 15-1253
 Graduate Certificate in Early Childhood Education  25-2000, 25-2010, 25-2011, 25-3031, 21-1012
 Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Administration  11-9033, 11-9039, 24-1000, 25-9044, 25-3031, 21-1012
 Graduate Certificate in Human Resources 13-1141.00, 13-1151.00, 43-1011.00, 43-2099.00, 43-3031.00, 43-3051.00, 43-3099.00, 43-4011.00, 43-4021.00, 43-4031.00, 43-4041.00, 43-4051.00, 43-4061.00, 43-4111.00, 43-4121.00, 43-4131.00, 43-4141.00, 43-4151.00, 43-4161.00, 43-4171.00, 43-4181.00, 43-4199.00, 43-5031.00, 43-5032.00, 43-6011.00, 43-6012.00, 43-6013.00, 43-6014.00, 43-9021.00, 43-9041.00, 43-9051.00, 43-9061.00, 43-9081.00, 43-9199.00, 15-1253
 Graduate Certificate in Project Management 11-1021.00, 11-2011.00, 11-2021.00, 11-2022.00, 11-2032.00, 11-2033.00, 11-3012.00, 11-3013.00, 11-3013.01, 11-3021.00, 11-3031.00, 11-3031.03, 11-3051.00, 11-3051.01, 11-3051.02, 11-3051.03, 11-3051.04, 11-3051.06, 11-3061.00, 11-3071.00, 11-3071.04, 11-3111.00, 11-3121.00, 11-3131.00, 11-9013.00, 11-9021.00, 11-9041.00, 11-9041.01, 11-9051.00, 11-9071.00, 11-9072.00, 11-9081.00, 11-9111.00, 11-9121.00, 11-9141.00, 11-9151.00, 11-9161.00, 11-9171.00, 11-9179.00, 11-9179.02, 11-9199.00, 11-9199.01, 11-9199.02, 11-9199.08, 11-9199.09, 11-9199.10, 13-1011.00, 13-1082.00, 13-1111.00, 13-1161.01, 13-1199.00, 13-1199.04, 13-1199.05, 13-1199.06, 13-1199.07, 13-1199.07, 15-1299.03, 15-1299.09, 15-2051.01, 15-1253
 Graduate Certificate in Special Education  25-2000, 25-2050, 25-2059, 25-3031, 21-1012
 Post-Master's Certificate in Family Nurse Practitioner 11-1011.00, 11-9033.00, 11-9039.00, 11-9111.00, 21-1091.00, 21-1094.00, 29-1141.00, 29-1171.00, 29-9099.00, 11-1021.00
 Post-Master’s Certificate in Health Care Leadership  11-1011.00, 11-9033.00, 11-9039.00, 11-9111.00, 21-1091.00, 21-1094.00, 29-1141.00, 29-1141.01, 29-1141.03, 29-9099.00, 11-1021.00
 Post-Master’s Certificate in Nurse Educator  11-1011.00, 11-9033.00, 11-9039.00, 11-9111.00, 21-1091.00, 21-1094.00, 29-1141.00, 29-9099.00, 11-1021.00