International Admissions

United States University is authorized under federal law to enroll nonimmigrant students in its degree programs. International students must meet the same admissions requirements as all other prospective students. To be considered for admission, prospective international students must be eligible to apply for a student visa (F-1) or be in a temporary residency status that does not require a change of status in order to attend the University.

The University does not provide U.S. visa services to nonimmigrant students, but it does comply with all requirements of the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP). Any charges related to visa services are the sole responsibility of the student.

To be considered for admission to the University as an international student, all students must meet the University’s general admission and programmatic admission requirements as well as the requirements listed below:

  • Completed International Application Form
  • The University’s language of instruction is English. Students must provide proof of English proficiency. The following methods can be submitted to satisfy this requirement:
  • A minimum TOEFL* iBT score of 61. Scores are valid for up-to two (2) years after the test date.
    • TOEFL School Code 6076
  • A minimum IELTS score of 6.0. Scores are valid for up-to two (2) years after the test date.
  • Students may meet the English proficiency requirement if they have taken and successfully completed at least one (1) academic year of post-secondary coursework when English is the medium of instruction as evidenced by official documentation.
  • A student is not required to take TOEFL or IELTS if the student is from a country where English is the primary/official language.
  • Financial Documents
    • Financial Support Declaration that certifies that sufficient funds are available for the student (and dependents if applicable) at the University for at least one academic year and barring unforeseen circumstances, that adequate funding will be available from the same or equally dependable sources for subsequent years for the full course of study. The declaration must be signed by the student and/or sponsor.
    • Bank statements certified by a bank official showing one (1) year cost of attendance.
    • U. S. Immigration law prohibits waiver of the financial guarantee. Without this certified information, the I-20 cannot be issued. The financial declaration must be current, within 6 months of the student’s starts date at the University.
    • Financial documents must be provided directly to the Designated School Official (DSO) at Please include your student ID in subject line when emailing DSO.
    Copy of passport with photo and address pages. Copies of visas and most recent I-94, if applicable.

Complete applications should be submitted to the Admissions Department. The student will be notified of an admission decision within two weeks of submitting a complete application packet.

If acceptance has been granted to University and the student wishes to proceed with the enrollment process, the student will need to read and sign the University enrollment agreement and disclosures. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Certificate of Eligibility Form (I-20) will be issued only after an applicant has completed the enrollment process to the University. Questions regarding application process please refer to our University Website or contact Admissions Department at

Students are responsible for paying their first session tuition and fees within five (5) business days of receiving their Form I-20.  Failure to submit tuition and fees will result in cancellation of Form I-20. Upon arrival into U.S. students must report to the University and submit a copy of all travel documents.

The deadlines for submission of the application and all supporting documentation for overseas international students will be available on the University Website and/or supplemental application form.

Maintaining International (F-1) Student Status

International students must maintain full-time enrollment status as defined by the University. In mitigating circumstances, students may be authorized to drop below full-time. For acceptable mitigating circumstances under SEVP regulations please contact the Designated School Official (DSO). Students may register only for one (1) online course per semester. Unless the student only needs one (1) course to complete their program of study, the course cannot be completed through online.

International students are expected to adhere to the University attendance requirements for both on-ground and online courses. Students that do not adhere to the University’s attendance policy may have their SEVIS record terminated.

Weekend Classes

Attendance is mandatory for all scheduled weekend classes.

Health Insurance

International students are strongly encouraged to purchase health (medical) insurance prior to entering the United States.

International Change in Status

In compliance with SEVP regulations, students must notify the DSO of any changes in status including, but not limited to, change in demographic information, transfer to another college/university, obtaining a social security number, or returning to their home country permanently within ten (10) days. Failure to comply with this requirement may impact students’ F-1 status.

International Transfer-Out Policy

Students requesting a transfer to another college or university prior to completing their program of study with USU must be current on their financial obligations.

International Student Vacations

An F-1 student at an academic institution is considered to be in status during vacation. An F-1 student at United States University (USU) is eligible for vacation after they have completed and remain in good academic standing after one (1) academic year. Vacations are limited to two (2) 8-week sessions per year after the completion of at least one (1) academic year. Vacations are not mandatory and students may continue to attend year round.

International Student Payment Policies

International students must submit their session's tuition and fees in full, no later than 10 business days prior to the session start in order to participate in class. There are no deferments of payments for tuition and fees.

F-1 Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

Curricular Practical Training is defined as employment which is an integral part of an established curriculum, including: “alternate work/study, internship, cooperative education or any other type of required internship or practicum which is offered by sponsoring employers through cooperative agreements with the school” Source: [CFR 2.14.2(f)(10)(i)]. CPT is available only prior to the completion of a degree program and student must have a job offer at the time of application. CPT employment may not delay completion of the academic program.

CPT is authorized for one (1) semester and students must apply for CPT no later than two (2) weeks prior to the session in which they intend to participate. For more information about eligibility for CPT please contact the DSO.

Intent to Withdraw or Request Medical Leave

If a student intends to or is thinking about taking a leave or withdrawing they must contact their DSO as soon as possible. International students must submit a completed Withdrawal form in the student portal.

Requests for leave of absence due to medical reasons must be accompanied by a letter from a licensed physician that clearly indicates that a student is not able to be enrolled in classes in the current semester.

Students on an approved medical leave are considered maintaining status under SEVP regulations. While the student is on medical leave, they can remain in the U.S. The authorization period cannot exceed an aggregate of 12-months per program level. For more information regarding the medical leave please contact the DSO.

SEVIS Terminations and Status Violations

When a status violation occurs, the University may be required to terminate a student’s SEVIS record. Termination of a SEVIS record (i.e. an I-20) is serious and can have negative consequences for a student and his/her ability to stay in the U.S. Grounds for termination of a SEVIS record include but are not limited to:

  • Unauthorized employment
  • Unauthorized withdrawal from classes
  • Unauthorized drop below full course of study
  • Expulsion and suspension
  • Failure to enroll in classes

In most cases, the termination of a student’s SEVIS record results in the student’s immediate departure from the US. The departure is necessary to avoid more severe consequences. Additionally, in cases of terminations, a student forfeits the 60 day grace period. If your SEVIS record is terminated, there are only two ways to regain your status:

  1. By travel. Exit then re-enter the U.S. with a new I-20.
  2. By reinstatement. Submit a reinstatement application to the U.S. government. An F-1 student is only eligible for reinstatement if all of the following conditions apply to the student:
    • Has not been out of status for more than 5 months at the time of filing the request for reinstatement.
    • Does not have a record of repeated or willful violations regulations
    • Is currently pursuing, or intending to pursue, a full course of study in the immediate future at the school which issued the Form I-20
    • Has not engaged in unauthorized employment
    • Is not deportable on any other grounds
    • Establishes to the satisfaction of USCIS, in detail showing, either that:
    • The violation resulted from circumstances beyond the student’s control OR
    • The violation relates to a reduction in the student’s course load that would have been within a DSO’s power to authorize, and that failure to approve reinstatement would result in extreme hardship to the student

The DSO will assist students with a reinstatement petition only if 1) all of the conditions above apply and 2) the violation was not preventable. Students who do not meet the above eligibility requirements will need to consult with a U.S. immigration attorney. The DSO will work with you to determine what the best option for you would be.