Independent Study Policy

A student at TMC may need to take a course independently in order to satisfy graduation requirements in the student’s proposed major. An independent study course offers a student the opportunity to make an in-depth study of a course in the student’s regular curriculum that is not offered during the semester they are registered in (please note that any class requiring a lab and/or hands on activities, and any educational methods course cannot be taken as an independent study course).

No more than three (3) credit hours from an independent study may be earned in any one semester, and not more than nine (9) credit hours of independent study credit may count toward satisfying the minimum requirements for a degree of study at TMC.

The student is responsible for conducting the independent study with the guidance of their advisor and faculty of record for the course. All independent studies are expected to include readings and assignments commonly found in the course syllabus plus include a reflective journal and/or final presentation of coursework. Final presentations in whatever agreed upon format must meet professional standards. While there is not official independent study class meeting time, regular class meetings may be scheduled to facilitate faculty-student conferences and reporting.

Use of e-mail communication is encouraged.


  1. A student wishing to enroll in an independent study should begin by completing the “Independent Study Application Form” at least one week before the first day of class for the semester. The student should confer with their advisor for the justification for the independent study course.
  2. The student must meet the following requirements before taking an independent study course:
    1. The student needs to be making satisfactory progress in the student’s degree plan and have a 2.00 cumulative GPA at the time of the request.
    2. The student must have completed 12 credits of college coursework with a minimum GPA of 2.00 or above.
    3. The Application must present a convincing rationale for the intended independent study and must provide evidence of a genuine desire to work independently.
  3. The student should then submit the application form to the approved faculty of the course to agree to the independent study.
  4. If the faculty agrees to the independent study course, the student will pick up and submit the approved application form to TMC Vice President of Academic Affairs for final approval. Copies of the application should be kept by the student, the advisor, and the faculty of record. If approved, the Vice President of Academic Affairs will notify the Registrar of the course addition to the TMC schedule of classes.
  5. The faculty of independent course will provide a syllabus for the independent study to include the layout the required coursework, the format of the reflective journal and/or final may be in person, by phone, or email.
  6. To register, the student must complete regular required registration paperwork for the course.

Note: Turtle Mountain College reserves the right to deny an independent study for any course to any student at any time.