MAR-441 Marketing with Digital and Social Media

Technology has transformed the ways that marketers must approach operations, channels, and customers. Marketing professionals must look beyond current e-business fads to understand the fundamentals that will distinguish marketing leaders in the future. The focus will be on using the internet for marketing, including how to drive new sales and how to dovetail customer support and service activities. Marketing with Digital and Social Media will examine the history of the internet, the basic technology involved in the architecture, the impact of technology on marketing, how to use the web as a marketing tool, how to determine and segment markets, how the internet fits into an integrated marketing strategy, and how to apply these concepts to the student's present work, small business, or future occupational needs. This course also explores the contribution of social media marketing and social media websites as they relate to the marketing efforts of businesses.

Advisory: It is advisable to have completed MAR-306: Creating and Implementing the Electronic Enterprise or MAR-201: Introduction to Marketing or a course in marketing management.





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