COS-101 Introduction to Computers

Introduction to Computers provides students with a broad, general introduction to hardware and software fundamentals, productivity software, graphics, digital media, multimedia, database applications, networking, the internet, and security and privacy issues. Using Visual Basic programming language, this course introduces students to object-oriented programming concepts and techniques such as variable declaration and usage, input and output, graphical user interface (GUI) design, event handling, conditional statements, loops, and sub-procedures and functions.


Note: Visual Studio 2015 is a Windows-based product and will not run on Macs. You can run this software and other Windows software on your Mac using Apple's Boot Camp technology or third-party virtualization tools like Parallels or VMWare Fusion. These tools make it possible to run Mac OSX and a Windows operating system side by side. This solution will require a Windows license.  Visual Studio 2015 comes in different editions. For this course we recommend Visual Studio Community 2015. All of the book's examples, however, run with both Visual Basic 2015 Community Edition and other editions of Visual Basic 2015. You may download Visual Studio Community 2015 for free directly from Microsoft. 



Delivery Methods

Guided Study, Online

Example Syllabus Link

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Semester Offered

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