SOS-204 Academic Community Impact - Theory, Methods, and Practice

This course provides a foundation in the history, theory, values, and practice of civic and community engagement in contemporary American society in general and in American higher education in particular. It examines how civic and community engagement are defined in the context of the United States and are integral to higher education. Students will examine the values, skills, and knowledge needed to effectively and responsibly do civic and community engagement while they are students. During this course, students will complete a final project that aligns and integrates their personal, professional, and social priorities through academic work.

Advisory: This course is open to all students and satisfies the civic engagement and social science requirement in the general education program. This course is the first course in a two-course sequence and should be taken by any students who plan to enroll in LIB-495CE-OL, a Capstone option for students who wish to engage in a community-based service project for the Capstone course. For more information regarding the Academic Community Impact Program, please visit



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