Choose the Format of Examinations

All course exams and TECEP® exams offer the Online Proctor Service (OPS) as a test-taking option. It allows students to take a test on their home computer while being proctored in real time by the OPS proctor. To utilize this option, students are required to have a webcam, a hard-wired internet connection, and working speakers with microphone. The OPS vendor (ProctorU) provides test sessions 24 hours a day, seven days a week with the exception of some holidays. The link for scheduling with ProctorU is and can also be accessed through the course space.

If students cannot complete the exams online or if they prefer to take the pen/paper version, they can locate a proctor and submit a Proctor Request Form by the end of the first week of the semester.

NOTE: Some TECEP® exams are only available in the online format. See the website for details. Proctor Request forms and guidelines can be found at

The University also offers students near Trenton, N.J., the opportunity to complete pen/paper exams in the University’s Testing Center or take exams online with the added benefit of an in-person proctor. This is a good option for students who want the benefit of online testing, but are not comfortable with the technical aspects or do not wish to utilize their home computer for test taking.