TG 404 Senior Innovation II

This course supports the senior desing students in varying engineering disciplines to develop business ideas for their projects and to successfully convey their ideas to potential investors and other stakeholders. It is a practical course where students will develop the basic documentation and skills necessary t ounderstand, manage, communicate and present their project from a business perspective. Early on the emphasis will be on the management of the project and the revision of the design based on prospective users/stakeholders feedback. Students will be asked to identify and assess the business potential of the technology/technical solution/system thta the students are developing in their senior design. Students will learn how to assess this potential among several, non-technical dimensions, including the identification and analysis of the target market, the asesssment of the competition, and the economic feasibility and financial prospects of a new venture created around the product or technology that is being developed in the senior design. To culminate their understanding of the challenges of startup processes, the students will develop overview Executive Summaries and be able to describe their project from a business persepctive, not just the technical perspective, as well as, present a project/elevator pitch and compete at the Pitch Competition.




TG 403


School of Engineering and Science

Typically Offered Periods

Spring Semester