
Chancellor BAB 302
Vice Chancellor for Academic and Evening & Weekend Affairs BAB 158
Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance BAB 301
Vice Chancellor for Research & Strategic Initiatives/Executive Director of Title III Programs BAB 215
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs/Enrollment Management BAB 305
Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs BAB 137
Alumni Affairs BAB 312
Athletics Gym
Campus Police/Security Office MB 101
Career Counseling & Placement UC 207
Center for African and African American Studies BAB 209
Certification-Only Program Office
Chief Administrative Officer for Community Outreach, Alumni Affairs & Public Relations BAB 312
College of Arts and Sciences AHSS 120
   Arts & Humanities AHSS 300
   Natural Sciences NSB 462
   Social Sciences LCMC F408
College of Business and Public Administration CBA 212
   Business Entrepreneurship CBA 213
   Management Information Systems CBA 110
   Public Administration CBA 110
   Small Business Development & Management CBA 213
College of Education LCMC C320
   Child Development and Family Studies LCMC C318
Comptroller Gym
Community Outreach BAB 312
Educational Talent Search LCMC B209
E-Learning ITC 101
Evening & Weekend Division BAB 307
Executive Associate to the Chancellor BAB 302
Financial Aid BAB 164
General Services MB 119A
General Studies Program AHSS 316
Grants & Sponsored Programs BAB 316
Health Information Management NSB 263
Human Resources BAB 315/210
Information Technology Center ITC 201
Library Library
Public Relations BAB 312
Records BAB 212
Recruitment, Admissions and Retention BAB 177
Registrar BAB 212
School of Graduate Studies BAB 133
School of Social Work MMCSSW 207
Services for Students with Disabilities BAB 204
Stores MB 119
Student Activities & Organizations UC
Student Affairs BAB 305
Student Development Center UC Second Floor
Student Government Association UC Third Floor
Student Health Services BAB 203
Student Support Services LCMC B218
Title III BAB 215
University Center UC
Upward Bound LCMC B222
Veterans Affairs UC 207


AHSS – Arts Humanities Social Sciences Building

BAB – Bashful Administration Building

ED – Education Building

LCMC  Lake Campus Multipurpose Complex

MB – Maintenance Building

MMCSSW – Millie M. Charles School of Social Work Building

NSB – New Science Building

UC – University Center

UCC – University Conference Center