The Honoré Center

Mr. Morkeith Phillips., Director of Honore’ Center

Office: College of Education Building, Second Floor

Phone: (504) 286-5136


African American Male Achievement Initiative

The Southern University and A & M College System established the Honoré Center for Undergraduate Student Achievement (CUSA) to reverse the trend of fewer African American males graduating from college while also increasing the number of black male classroom teachers.

The initiative is named after Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré, a Southern University alumnus, military hero, and expert on leadership development. Students are recruited for the program who demonstrate academic and leadership potential along with the motivation to make a difference in their communities as certified classroom teachers (minimum two years.) Support includes campus housing and meal plan, a monthly $100 stipend plus a $500 textbook voucher per semester for up to five years. Personal counseling, life skills and tutoring resources are also in place to help ensure academic and personal success.

Each student signs a contract governing his expectations and benefits provided, along with a promissory note agreeing that a portion of the financial support he receives is considered a forgivable loan until he fulfils his obligations to the program. He pledges to complete an undergraduate degree at SUNO within five years majoring in Education or another approved content area (Biology, English, History, and Math).

Eligibility Requirements

  • Minimum ACT composite score* of 16 as per Board of Regents conditional guidelines.
  • Completion of the Regents’ Core curriculum with a minimum 2.5 overall and core GPA; high school transcript required.
  • Pell Grant eligible: the student must qualify for at least 80% of annual Pell Grant award, plus be prepared to cover any gap in his EFC (expected family contribution) amount.
  • Credible 450-word essay outlining why the applicant should be selected.
  • Recommendation letters from (2) high school teachers.
  • Recommendation letter by an adult who knows the candidate outside the classroom (coach, minister, employer?)
  • Criminal Background Check & Drug Screening required of all final candidates.