College of Education and Human Development (CoEHD)

Willie Jones III, Ed.D., Interim Dean

Office: Lake Campus Multipurpose Complex (LCMC), Building B Room 320

Phone: (504) 286-5351


Associate Professor(s): Sherry Bachus, Ph.D., Diane Bordenave, Ed.D., Willie Jones, Ed.D. and Louise Kaltenbaugh, Ph.D.; Assistant Professors: Celina Carson, Ph.D., Deborah Darby, Ph.D., Jenita C. Hegwood, Ed.D., Charlie T. Johnson, M.F.A., Katherine Robinson, Ph.D.; Pre-K–16+ Coordinator: Katherine Robinson, Ph.D.; Director of Certification & Teacher Quality: Louise Kaltenbaugh, Ph.D.; Field Experience and Student Teaching Director: Jenita C. Hegwood, Ed.D.; Coordinator of Certification & Education Programs: Tanisca Wilson, Ph.D.; Assessment Coordinator: Diane Bordenave, Ed.D., Teacher Education Department Chair: Louise Kaltenbaugh, Ph.D.; CAEP Coordinator: Willie Jones III, Ed.D.; Child Development and Family Studies Chair/Director and AAFCS Accreditation Coordinator: Sherry Bachus, Ph.D.

Reflective Practitioners for Global Environments

Mission Statement

The mission of the Unit is the preparation and development of effective and reflective professional educators who think critically and analytically and who are transformative practitioners and learner advocates for children functioning in global environments. The Unit emphasizes efficient and successful teaching practices, policies, and procedures to enhance and support the academic achievement and social development of all PK-12 students. The commitment and responsibility of the Unit are based on its conceptual framework -- Reflective Practitioners for Global Environments -- that manifests a performance-based paradigm to ensure the teaching practices of professional practitioners who are: 1) instructional leaders; 2) continuous assessors; 3) astute technologists; 4) advocates for diversity and collaboration; and 5) reflective professionals.

Conceptual Framework of the CoEHD

The visual representation of the Conceptual Framework illustrates a balanced set of scales against a backdrop of a two-dimensional representation of the globe. The scales contain 14 nuggets representing the core values of the Unit on the left side of the scale, and the knowledge, skills, and dispositions included in the five strands, represented on the right side by large gold bars. The balanced scale represents program completers who are also balanced in their core values and their proficiencies. The backdrop of the globe represents locations from which the students and clients, whom the graduates of the college will serve, will come.

Degrees Offered

The CoEHD offers the following degrees:

  • The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Child Development and Family Studies
  • The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Educational Studies
  • The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Elementary Education (1-5) (Terminated Effective August 2017)
  • The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Early Childhood Education (Terminated effective August 2016)

The CoEHD’s teacher preparation programs accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of the Teacher Education (NCATE); that accrediting has now become the Council for the Accreditation of Educational Programs (CAEP). The Elementary Education (1-5) program is nationally recognized. The Child Development and Family Studies program is accredited by the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS). All CoEHD programs are approved by the Louisiana State Department of Education.

Teacher Certification Programs

The CoEHD offers eight (8) teacher certification programs:

  • Early Childhood Education (PK-3)
  • Elementary Education (1-5)
  • Biology (Secondary)
  • English (Secondary)
  • Mathematics (Secondary)
  • Social Studies (Secondary)
  • Art (All-Levels)
  • Health and Physical Education (All-Levels)

These programs are offered at two levels:

  • Undergraduate level: leading to degree and certification and
  • Post-baccalaureate level: leading to initial certification only.

Important Notes to Students:

  1. Programs in the CoEHD are subject to change based on accreditation and program approval guidelines; therefore, information in the Catalog does not constitute a contract or official program of study. It represents information in place at the time the Catalog information was submitted and may be subject to changes that have taken effect since the date of this submission. Students pursuing degrees and licensure through the CoEHD must check with their official advisor in the CoEHD for a written Program of Study, which must be signed by the candidate (student) and the advisor. Advisors are assigned according to the first letter of student’s last name. Candidates (students) are to receive and retain a copy of this Program of Study. It constitutes a formal contract for the work that must be completed, the sequence in which the courses are to be taken, and additional requirements (e.g., field experience hours, PRAXIS testing requirements, and all other requirements at the time of your enrollment). Candidates are to meet with their advisors prior to enrolling in courses each semester and prior to making changes in the course schedule. Candidates who sit out for a semester or more may be subject to change in contract, based on new requirements that are in place at the time of re-enrollment.
  2. A one-time laboratory fee is required for all students seeking Teacher Certification.
  3. A fee for taking PRAXIS I/Core Academic Skills for Educators effective: 9/1/14 and PRAXIS II must be paid directly to the Educational Testing Service (not to Southern University at New Orleans). The fee is to be submitted with the application to take the exam approximately 6-8 weeks prior to the test administration date.

Admission Requirements

Applicants pursuing a degree through the CoEHD must submit the necessary documents and be accepted by Southern University at New Orleans. Upon notification that an applicant has been admitted to the University and is seeking a degree in education, the applicant’s folder containing his/her high school GPA, ACT and/or SAT scores will be reviewed by the department chair of the respective program/department in which the applicant seeks admission. Evidence that this review has been completed will be presented to and verified by the Dean before the applicant is accepted into a program. The student will then be assigned an advisor by the Dean. This advisor will provide the student with an official program of study and will continue to advise the student regarding the options for the sequence of courses required for admission to the respective program (i.e., recognized as an official candidate in a program). This process is recognized as Admission to Candidacy.

Applicants with ACT scores of 17 or below, in English, Social Studies, and Mathematics will be required to enroll in enhancement courses that will not count toward the degree. Prior to Admission to Candidacy, pre-candidates must take and pass PRAXIS I/Core Academic Skills for Educators effective: 9/1/14 with scores that are accepted as satisfactory by the Louisiana State Department of Education (PPST Reading, Writing, and Mathematics) and submit the official scores to the Office of the Dean, CoEHD, Southern University at New Orleans prior to applying for admission (candidacy) to a teaching program. Applicants for the Certification-Only Alternate Path to Certification Program must also submit passing scores on PRAXIS II, content knowledge in addition to PRAXIS I/Core Academic Skills for Educators effective: 9/1/14 requirements.

Note: Candidates are required to submit a criminal background check prior to being assigned to a school for field experiences and student teaching. This is required each semester.

Admission to a Teaching Program: Teacher Education Candidacy

In the semester that the pre-candidate completes at least 30 hours of the General Education requirements, he/she submits a formal application for admission to the CoEHD (forms are available in the CoEHD’ s office), with the required documentation listed below to the respective department program. These documents include the following:

  • Official copies of passing scores (Louisiana) on PRAXIS I/Core Academic Skills for Educators effective: 9/1/14: PPST Reading, Writing, and Mathematics. (An ACT composite score of 22 or an SAT combined verbal and math score of 1030 may be substituted for the PRAXIS I/Core Academic Skills for Educators effective: 9/1/14 requirements.)
  • A writing sample as indicated in EDUC-110N: Introduction to Teaching.
  • Transcripts reflecting the completion of a minimum of 30 credit hours, grades of “C” or better in all General Education courses and an overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or better and indicating completion of English 111 and 112, Math 151 or 161, and 162 or 232 with a grade of “C” or better; a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5; and completion of up to 60 credit hours applicable toward a degree (SUNO transcripts will be available through the respective department).
  • Three (3) letters of recommendation, including a letter from a former (high school) teacher of the student, a community person, and a faculty member who has taught the student. The letter should give indication that the student possesses the qualities and dispositions becoming to a certified teacher.
  • The Program of Study that has been signed by both the candidate and advisor as evidence of previous advisement.
  • Official copies of passing scores on PRAXIS I/Core Academic Skills for Educators effective: 9/1/14 in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics.
  • A completed Disposition Survey, in which faculty in the CoEHD has rated the pre-candidate.

After submission of the documents, the pre-candidate makes an appointment to be interviewed by the CoEHD Admissions Committee. The CoEHD Admissions Committee will convene an official meeting at least once each semester (Fall and Spring). At least two of the three members must be in attendance to interview the prospective candidates. The Committee will then:

  • Review documents submitted by the pre-candidate.
  • Schedule an interview with the pre-candidate.
  • Rate the writing sample, using a pre-approved rubric.
  • Conduct interview and rate the pre-candidate.
  • Prepare a list of pre-candidates to be recommended to the Teacher Education Council for Admission to Candidacy.

The Assessment Coordinator provides recommendations on candidacy to the Teacher Education Council (TEC), the policy-making body for the College. The TEC decides candidacy admissions in Fall (not later than November 1) and in Spring (not later than April 1). Notifications to applicants are to be made within two weeks of the TEC decision.

Admission to Teaching Methods

Prior to enrolling in any Teaching Methods courses, candidates must have on file in the CoEHD, all of the following information that has been verified by the Certification Officer of the CoEHD:

  • Official PRAXIS Scores (PRAXIS I/Core Academic Skills for Educators effective: 9/1/14) as required.
  • A current transcript.
  • Grades of “C” or better in all general education and education courses, and an overall GPA of 2.5 or better.
  • A Statement of understanding from the candidate indicating that completion of all required university course (except student teaching) will be completed satisfactorily and that PRAXIS II (PLT and Content Knowledge) must be passed before enrolling in Student Teaching and Student Teaching Seminar.
  • A signed statement providing evidence that the candidate understands that he/she must complete 180 clock hours of supervised field experiences.
  • A signed statement from the candidate providing evidence that the candidate understands that he/she must satisfactorily complete 60 hours of community service (required by the University before graduation).
  • A completed Course Audit by the Director of Student Teaching.

Admission to Student Teaching and Student Teaching Seminar

In the semester prior to enrolling in Student Teaching, the Director of Student Teaching will verify the following information for each candidate requesting admission to Student Teaching:

  • Official (original) passing scores on PRAXIS I/Core Academic Skills for Educators effective: 9/1/14 and II (all parts).
  • A current transcript indicating completion of all coursework, except for student teaching and student teaching seminar, grades of “C” or better in English, Mathematics, and all general education courses and courses in professional education, and an overall GPA of 2.5 or better.
  • A statement from the student indicating that the student understands that completion of all required University courses (except Student Teaching) will be verified before enrollment in Student Teaching and Student Teaching Seminar is approved.
  • Completion of Course Audit by the Director of Student Teaching.
  • An application to Student Teaching. (This form may be obtained from the CoEHD office).
  • An updated criminal background check.
  • An application for graduation is completed and filed with the Registrar’s Office.

Students for whom the information cannot be verified will not be admitted to Student Teaching or Student Teaching Seminar.

Exit from Student Teaching and Graduation from the University*

Prior to completing Student Teaching, the Certification Officer will verify that the following documents are on file in the CoEHD office:

  • Official (original) passing scores on PRAXIS I/Core Academic Skills for Educators effective: 9/1/14 and II are on file.
  • Transcripts indicating completion of all remaining coursework.
  • Grades of “C” or better in all general education and professional education courses, and an overall GPA of 2.5 or better.
  • Documentation of successful completion of 60 hours of community service.
  • Documentation of successful completion of 400 hours of Student Teaching.
  • Submission and formal presentation of the Electronic Portfolio.
  • Application and fees for initial Teacher Certification (Louisiana).
  • Successful Exit from Student Teaching and Graduation from the University.

*Students must apply for graduation. Upon completion of the form in the CoEHD office, the application must be submitted to the designated office.