Political Science

(Political Science Program has been terminated effective Spring 2006)

John Penny, Ph.D., Th.D., Chair

Office: Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Bldg., Room 313

Phone: (504) 284-5478 (Office)

Email: jpenny@suno.edu

Professor: George Amedee, Ph.D., Emmett Bashful Endowed Chair

The principal objective of the program in Political Science is to stimulate students to attain a higher level of responsibility, sensitivity and awareness with respect to current political and social issues as well as familiarity with the policies and functions of American government at the federal, state and local levels. The training, which has both theoretical and practical dimensions, is designed to equip its graduates for gainful employment in both the public and private sectors of our society and preparing students for graduate and professional schools.


A minor requires the successful completion of eighteen (18) semester hours in Political Science including:

POLI-110N, 210N and 490N. A concentration of 30 semester hours (excluding POLI-110N) and minor of 18 hours are available through the General Studies Program.