
Campus Carry

On July 1, 2017 HB 280 signed by Gov. Nathan Deal went into effect. The bill allows the carrying and possession of handguns in certain manners by weapons carry license holders in certain buildings or on real property owned by or leased to public institutions of postsecondary education.

It is the responsibility of the weapons carry license holder to know the law and follow it at all times. The liability for use of a firearm is the sole responsibility of the person in possession of the firearm. As part of HB 280, certain areas are still prohibited such as classrooms with Dual Enrollment students or a College and Career Academy.

For questions of whether a MOWR of dual enrolled student is in your class please consult the instructor or registrar’s office. Also if there are any questions or concerns regarding Campus Carry please call the Police Department at (912)443-5200. The full law for campus carry can be found as part of O.C.G.A. 16-11-127.1.