Graduate Catalog

College Core

College Core

The College Core is a set of overarching concepts that unify the vision, mission, and values of the College with the outcomes for the undergraduate, graduate, and student support services. The first five concepts provide the foundation for the General Studies Woods Core and serve as the program outcomes. These outcomes may be reinforced in any major or minor. The last three concepts are the foundation for the majors and free standing minors and may be integrated in the General Education Woods Core courses. Any of the concepts may apply to the student support services. The following are the College Core concepts and definitions.

Upon the completion of the SMWC educational experience the student will be able to:

  1. Critical Thinking/Problem Solving

    Obtain and use valid information to make decisions and solve problems with demonstrated ingenuity.

  2. Communication

    Clearly articulate thoughts and ideas in written and oral forms by selecting the appropriate tools and media relative to the audience.

  3. Leadership/Collaboration

    Use interpersonal skills to build collaborative relationships and leverage the strengths of self and others to achieve common goals.

  4. Technology Adaptiveness

    Select and use appropriate technology to accomplish a given task, as well as the ability to apply skills to solve problems in an evolving world of technology.

  5. Social Responsibility

    Benefit society by demonstrating an effective use of systems, an understanding of diversity, and analysis of inequities in an interconnected global society.

  6. Integration of Knowledge

    Understand the content and concepts related to a selected area of study, discipline, or expressive art, and is able to connect this information to prior knowledge, general education, and experiential learning.

  7. Application of Skills

    Demonstrate competency in the skills and abilities related to a selected area of study, discipline, or expressive art.

  8. Professional/Career Development

    Demonstrate personal accountability and the necessity for life-long learning.