Graduate Catalog

Master of Leadership Development

The Master of Leadership Development (MLD) program at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College is designed for individuals who wish to pursue a graduate degree that blends interdisciplinary studies with the choice of a focus area of interest. The Integrative Core courses provide a range of perspectives to help students develop and enhance their critical thinking and leadership skills, while the Focus Area courses build students’ knowledge and skills in specific areas of interest.

The MLD program is designed to be completed in one year in either a hybrid class (beginning in August) or fully online (beginning in February) format. Students take two courses every two months; one from the Integrative Core and one from the Focus Area. The MLD program is accelerated and a great deal of material is covered in a short period of time. As a result, consistent participation is critical to the success of the learner. The cohort model of learning offers a stimulating and intellectually challenging environment, while promoting a sense of community.  There is an option to complete the program in two years. Students must complete all requirements within 5 years of program enrollment.

In the fully online format, students will participate in virtual classrooms, web-based assignments, and discussion throughout each course. There will be projects for each course and a capstone project to culminate the learning process.

In the hybrid format, students will participate in face-to-face seminars at the beginning and ending of each course. There will be at least one virtual classroom, web-based assignments, and discussion throughout each course. There will be projects for each course and a capstone project to culminate the learning process.

Focus Areas are Organizational Leadership, Not for Profit Leadership, and Sports Leadership. An Individualized Leadership focus may be pursued as well. Additional focus areas may be developed in the future, based upon market research and student interest.

Master of Leadership Development Mission

The mission of the Master of Leadership Development (MLD) is to prepare visionary leaders who value diverse perspectives, critically analyze research, use inquiry to guide practice, integrate appropriate technologies, solve problems creatively, and engage in ethical decision-making to effect positive change in a global society.

Master of Leadership Development Vision

The vision of Master of Leadership Development is to become one of the leading programs dedicated to developing individuals through excellence, into ethical-based decision-makers, equipped with cultural intelligence and global mindset, who embrace innovation, technical skills, and effective communication to successfully lead their organizations into the future.

Admission Requirements

To apply for the Master of Leadership Development program, students must have:

  • Baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university

  • Cumulative GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) on any undergraduate and graduate work

  • Completed application form

  • Official transcripts of all collegiate work

  • Résumé documenting a minimum of two years of work experience

  • One to two-page essay describing the student’s interest in the MLD program and selected Focus Area, and what they hope to gain from it

  • Two letters of recommendation from people knowledgeable of the applicant’s professional or academic experience

  • Current technology equipment including access to internet, web-cam, and audio for virtual classroom participation

Admission requirements for graduate study are designed so that admitted students will have a high probability of success in graduate-level academic work. Graduate study is much more than a continuation of undergraduate work and should be considered by those students with the capacity for independent thought and investigation.

Program Expectations

The MLD program expects professional, ethical, and mature behavior of each student. When you participate in a cohort, you learn how to interact, build relationships, and find the best in people who may offer different perspectives than your own. Group work will be part of this program and students are expected to contribute in a substantial and timely manner in all interactions.

Cohorts offer a stimulating and intellectually challenging environment, while promoting a sense of community. A cohort encourages learning and growth from your peers as well as your professors. Research shows that students who participate in cohort groups have higher graduation rates, a greater sense of community with their peers, and the ability to better plan their degrees, due to the structured order of courses.

Class participation is an important student obligation and each student is responsible for all work conducted in the web-based learning, virtual or face-to-face classrooms, and discussion boards. Active and timely participation is critical to the success of the learner in this program.

Master of Leadership Development Integrative Core Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes for the Integrative Core are:

  1. Evaluate the influence of social and cultural context on individuals and organizations.

  2. Critically analyze research and ideas from various sources by conducting assessment and evaluation to guide practice and decision-making.

  3. Work collaboratively with people of diverse backgrounds and viewpoints to facilitate the exchange of ideas, goods, or services in an ethical manner.

  4. Apply leadership skills to effect positive change in an organization, workplace, or community.

Focus Area Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes for the Integrative Core are:

1. Evaluate the influence of social and cultural context on individuals and organizations.

2. Critically analyze research and ideas from various sources by conducting assessments and evaluations to guide practice and decision-making.

3. Work collaboratively with people of diverse backgrounds and viewpoints to facilitate the exchange of ideas, goods, or services in an ethical manner.

4. Apply leadership skills to effect positive change in an organization, workplace, or community.


The learning outcomes for the Focus Areas are:

5. Provide visionary leadership to support strategic planning, partnership and sponsorship building, and resource development that balances continuity and change.

6. Manage financial information and organization resources ethically and transparently with an appropriate presentation for all stakeholders.

Graduation Requirements

Completion of the 36-hour curriculum outlined in the Course Requirements (15-hour Integrative Core and 21-hour Focus Area) with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) is required. Up to nine hours of relevant transfer graduate credit may be accepted per Graduate Program Director approval.

MLD Curriculum (36 credit hours total)

Integrative Core (15 credit hours)

MLD 501The Individual in Context


MLD 502Culture, Creativity, and Leadership


MLD 503Leadership Identity


MLD 504Ethical Decision-Making


MLD 505Critical Analysis of Research


Focus Area: Not-for-Profit

The Not-for-Profit focus area gives students the skills they need to become leaders in not-for-profit institutions. Students learn to work as an integral part of not-for-profit organizations by building relationships with business partners, providing motivation for success, and helping organizations reach their highest level of potential. All of this is grounded in a strong framework of ethics and critical thinking skills, which puts graduates a step ahead of the rest.

Required Courses (21 credit hours)

NFP 551Proposal and Grant Writing


NFP 552Working with Stakeholders


NFP 553Data Visualization & Inspirational Persuasion


NFP 554Financial Planning for Not-for-Profit Organizations


NFP 555Vision and Strategic Planning


NFP 599Not-for-Profit Leadership Project


Focus Area: Organizational Leadership

The Organizational Leadership focus area is a tool for leading and managing in the for-profit business arena. It is also the key to success in an increasingly global and diverse society. Not only will students acquire the grounding in business and leadership that they need, but they will learn how to implement that knowledge in an ethical way and use critical thinking to work through challenges in the workplace.

Required Courses (21 credit hours)

OL 551People and Change


OL 552Balancing Customer and Organizational Needs


OL 553Financial Management


OL 554Data Visualization and Inspirational Persuasion


OL 555Vision and Strategic Planning


OL 599Organizational Leadership Project


Focus Area: Sports Leadership

The Sports Leadership focus area is intended to help you enhance your leadership skills in any sports-centered career. You will develop all the essential skills and knowledge to lead positions in sports marketing, communication, wellness and fitness clubs and professional or intercollegiate sports teams.

Required Courses (21 credit hours)

SL 551Sports Business Analytics


SL 552Consumer Engagement & Digital Media


SL 553Data Visualization & Inspirational Persuasion


SL 555Vision and Strategic Planning


SL 556Sports Law, Contracts & Effective Negotiating


SL 599Sports Leadership Project


Focus Area: Individualized Leadership

This focus area allows the student to develop and enhance their leadership skills in an area that Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College does not offer as a specialized area in MLD. A student transfers up to 9 hours of graduate work from an accredited institution in the specific field of choice. The work will be coupled with the MLD Integrative Core Curriculum to create a unique degree. Approval of courses and specified area of study must be granted by the Program Director.