Kindergarten-Grade 6/Mild Intervention Baccalaureate Degree (Non-Licensure Program)
120 credit hours
This program prepares teacher candidates to work in educational settings that require or prefer a degree in education with an emphasis on working with children with exceptional needs/mild intervention in an elementary setting.
Required Woods Core (36 credit hours)
WC 100 | Into the Woods, Out of the Woods, Communities and Education | 3 |
CO 111 | Introduction to Human Communication | 3 |
EN 111 | English Composition and Research Writing | 3 |
HI 222 | World History Since 1900 | 3 |
TH 200 | Love and Justice: The Faith and Spirituality of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin | 3 |
EN 211 | Introduction to Literature | 3 |
PH 320 | Ethics | 3 |
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FR 111 | Basic French I | 3 |
SP 111 | Basic Spanish I | 3 |
WC 150 | Intercultural Communication | 3 |
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| Choose One | |
BU 131 | Macroeconomics | 3 |
PS 111 | General Psychology | 3 |
SO 211 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
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MA 117 | Quantitative Reasoning | 3 |
MA 253/PS 253 | Statistics | 3 |
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AD 200 | Studies in the Visual Arts | 3 |
MU 200 | American Music: From Jamestown to James Brown and Beyond | 3 |
TA 213 | Introduction to Theatre | 3 |
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WC 401 | Social Justice | 3 |
WC 402 | Sustainability | 3 |
WC 403 | Global Women Leading Change | 3 |
WC 480 | Woods Core Capstone Topics | 3 |
Education Core Courses (18 credit hours)
ED 115 | Introduction to eLearning and Technology in Education | 3 |
ED 125 | Introduction to Education | 3 |
ED 151 | Understanding Mild Disabilities | 3 |
ED 200 | Growth and Development | 3 |
ED 202 | Education in a Global Society | 3 |
ED 237/PS 237 | Educational Psychology | 3 |
Developmental Level and Content Courses (45 credit hours)
ED 257 | Special Education Law and Procedures | 3 |
ED 261 | The Science of Reading | 3 |
ED 262 | Language Arts for the Diverse Classroom | 3 |
ED 264 | Content Area Literacy | 3 |
ED 273 | Assessment for Learning | 3 |
ED 303 | Music, Movement, and the Arts | 3 |
ED 326 | Real World Application in the Social Studies | 3 |
ED 327 | Teaching Children’s Literature in the Elementary Classroom | 3 |
ED 330 | Methods of Teaching Science in Elementary School | 3 |
ED 333 | Methods of Teaching Mathematics | 3 |
ED 345 | Assessment and Intervention in Elementary and Secondary Special Education | 3 |
ED 368 | Social Emotional Development and Behavioral Intervention | 3 |
ED 375 | eLearning and Technology in Education Capstone | 3 |
SC 200 | Integrated Science for Teachers | 3 |
MA 116 | Algorithms in Elementary Education | 3 |
Clinical Experiences (6 credit hours)
ED 222 | Kindergarten & Primary Grades (K-3)/Mild Intervention | 3 |
ED 323 | Intermediate Grades (4-6)/Mild Intervention | 3 |
Open Electives (15 credit hours)
Elective options guided by advisor.