
Department of Sciences and Mathematics

The Department of Sciences and Mathematics at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College aims to develop future scholars in natural sciences and mathematics. Our dedicated faculty members strive to create an environment that promotes close, productive student-faculty and student-student interaction and instills a sense of community in students. Our rigorous curriculum endeavors to build a knowledge base that supports critical thinking and problem solving skills, and to enable students to efficiently put theory into practice. Our modern, hands-on approach provides students with an effective learning environment that prepares them for the challenges of the future.

As part of a liberal arts college, we encourage collaboration that transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries and fosters academic relationships with members of other departments. We are committed to inspire our students to utilize their education to become future leaders and to stimulate positive change in our global society.

Sciences and Mathematics Transfer Policy

Since the world is constantly changing, caution is used in accepting science and mathematics transfer credit based on the age of the credits. Generally, the transferred course must have been taken within ten years of enrollment at SMWC. Some exceptions to this ten-year rule may apply when the student is currently employed in related fields. At least 50% of the total hours required for each major or minor within the Department of Sciences and Mathematics must be taken at SMWC. Students may also choose to gain credit through a CLEP exam or PLA. CLEP and/or PLA do not count as credit earned at SMWC and therefore do not apply toward the 50% rule of course credits in the major or minor.

To be fully accepted into any science major (Biology, Pre-Professional Studies, Environmental Science, Medical Technology) a grade of “C” or better must be earned in BI-141, Principles of Biology I, and BI-142, Principles of Biology II.

The department offers the following majors and minors: