Undergraduate Catalog

Student Services

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College provides a variety of student services to its undergraduate students, whether they are enrolled in the campus program or Woods Online.

Career Development Center

When it comes to landing a job in a student’s desired field, it is best to look at the process as a journey and not a destination. By starting career planning early, students are provided with ample time to network and make vital connections, research career options and gain the necessary experience and tools to hit the ground running upon graduation. The Career Development Center (CDC) is available to help students develop professional readiness - to make a fluid transition from college to graduate/professional school or to the workplace.

The CDC focuses on building relationships with and connections between students, alumni, faculty and employers that lead to transformational experiences and outcomes. CDC programs, events and resources are intentionally planned to benefit students, including networking opportunities, professional development activities and experiential learning programs. Staff members are available to offer career and graduate school guidance to students and alumni, and to assist in creating individual career plans.

Students are encouraged to visit the Career Development Center and regularly meet with the staff. In addition to individual advising appointments, students may tap into the Online Career Resource Center at http://career.smwc.edu. Registered students have 24/7 access to job and internship postings, event registration, an alumni mentor database and links to helpful career-related resources and announcements.

Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry at SMWC is grounded in the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church and in the spirit of the Sisters of Providence. Students of all faith traditions are encouraged to participate in programs and activities both on and off campus. Students are empowered to take leadership roles in the planning and implementation of programs including:

  • Community outreach and service opportunities in the local area
  • Bible study, prayer groups and liturgical experiences
  • Retreats and events that will enrich the student experience
  • Alternative Fall and Spring Break Trips

The Campus Minister works with campus ministers from parishes and leaders from other faith traditions within the local community to encourage students to keep connected with their faith traditions.

Students with Disabilities

The College is committed to providing reasonable and appropriate accommodations to students with documented disabilities in order to afford them an equal opportunity to participate in the College’s programs, courses, activities and housing. In order for the College to assist students with disabilities effectively under the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), students who have been accepted for enrollment and request accommodations must provide documentation of their disability from a physician, psychologist, testing center, state or federal agency, or other qualified evaluator. The ADA Advisor is designated to communicate with prospective or matriculated students to discuss needed support services and to communicate in writing what services the College may provide.

Procedures for requesting accommodations:

  1. Contact the ADA Advisor (LRC@smwc.edu or 812-535-5271) to discuss concerns and how to register with Disability Support Services
  2. Provide the ADA Advisor with at least one of the following:
    1. Letter from a treating professional (i.e. Physician, Psychologist, etc.) confirming the disability
    2. Previous IEP or accommodation plan for institution of learning
    3. 504 Plan
    4. Diagnostic Testing Results
  3. Once documentation is received, the ADA Advisor will verify the information and contact the student to discuss academic needs/concerns.
  4. Based on this conversation, the ADA Advisor will establish a Letter of Accommodation (LOA) and provide a detailed explanation of utilizing accommodations at SMWC.
  5. Each year, the ADA Advisor will revisit accommodations with student to determine if changes need to be made.

Please note:

  • Academic accommodations are given on a case-by-case basis.
  • Academic accommodations are not retro-active.
  • Students must communicate request for accommodations with instructor prior to due dates.
  • Students needing housing accommodations should visit www.smwc.edu/lrc

Event and Facilities Reservations

The Conference Office manages overnight guest reservations at the College Guest House on a year-round basis, and housing in Le Fer Residence Hall in the summer months. The Conference Office also manages the rental and scheduling of all College facilities and grounds for meetings and social events.