Grading Symbols

A: Distinguished achievement for superior work.

B: Better than acceptable achievement.

C: Acceptable achievement for advancement in the same or related studies.

D: Less than acceptable achievement for advancement in the same or related studies (credit may not transfer or count toward some degrees or certificates).

F: Failure to achieve or master the learning objectives of the course. A grade of F does not apply toward certificates or degrees.

AU: Audit. If you want to take a course without earning credit, you can register to audit that course. You must pay full tuition and fees, and you will not receive the COF stipend for the course. You must declare your intention to audit no later than the course’s tuition refund date. Once you have registered to audit a course, you cannot change your registration from auditing to earning credit for the course. The college will not award credit for any audited course.

AW: Administrative Withdrawal.

W: Withdrawal. You have officially withdrawn from the course or the college by the approved date and time listed in the current semester’s schedule.

I: Incomplete. If you are not able to complete the learning objectives before the end of a course because of verifiable extenuating circumstances, the instructor may request a grade of incomplete at the initiation of the student. Before you are eligible to receive an "I", you must have completed a minimum of 75% of the course work with a grade of C (or higher). Before the end of the course, you are responsible for making arrangements with the instructor to complete an Incomplete Grade Contract. If you do not complete the course work by the agreed-upon deadline, the instructor will change the "I" grade to the letter grade stipulated in the contract. If no grade change is issued, the "I" will be changed to the letter grade indicated on the incomplete contract.

S: Satisfactory. Equivalent to a grade of C or higher and is available only for certain pre-designated courses.

U: Unsatisfactory. Equivalent to a grade of D or F and is available only for certain pre-designated courses.

S/A, S/B, S/C: These are satisfactory grades awarded only for developmental courses. The A, B, and C indicate the level of satisfactory performance. These grades are not included in the GPA calculation. The course will count for attempted and earned credits.

U/D, U/F: These are unsatisfactory grades awarded only for developmental courses. The D and F indicate the level of unsatisfactory performance. These grades are not included in the GPA calculation. The course will count in attempted credits but will not carry earned credits.

SP: Satisfactory Progress. Under the college’s continuous enrollment policy, certain courses have been designated open-entry. You are eligible to receive an SP only if you are enrolled in an open-entry course. By the end of the semester, you must have completed course work (prorated by your registration date) with a grade of C (or higher) before you can be eligible for an SP. Also, you can request an SP based on verifiable extenuating circumstances. Before the end of the semester, you are responsible for making arrangements with the instructor to sign an SP Grade Contract. If you do not complete the course work by the agreed-upon deadline, the instructor will change the SP to the letter grade stipulated in the contract. If no grade change is issued, the SP will be changed to an F at the end of the next full 15-week semester.

Z: Placeholder. Grade not yet reported. If no grade is issued, this placeholder will be changed to an F grade at the end of the next full semester.