RE 120 Refrigeration & Electric Forced Air Heating

In this course, students explore central forced air electric heating systems and their applications. They employ Ohm's Law theory to calculate CFM by temperature rise in electric heat systems. The curriculum further enhances students' understanding of mechanical compression refrigeration systems. Electric motors used in HVAC/R industry are introduced. Students advance their knowledge and theory of refrigeration applied to air conditioning and typical operating conditions found in industry. Automatic controls common in heating and cooling systems are introduced, alongside the basics of residential thermostats with an emphasis on internal operations for a one-heat/one-cool function. Students continue to deepen their knowledge of regulations, utilizing Chapter 19.28 RCW, Chapter 296-46B WAC, and Articles of the NEC. Students continue reading and using schematic and ladder diagrams. A key achievement is obtaining EPA 608 Universal certification, a vital credential in the HVAC/R field.



Clock Hours