Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

1.3 Committees

Related Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board Policy: None

Related Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board Procedure: None

Purpose: To provide a framework through which college committees are created, revised and eliminated.

Part 1: Types of Committees

Subpart A: Faculty Committees Established in the MSCF Contract

Faculty committees are established by provision of the MSCF contract. They are the Faculty Shared Governance Council and the Academic Affairs and Standards Council. Their purpose is to make recommendations on academic, personnel, student affairs, facilities, fiscal and general matters. Faculty committees may create subcommittees as a means to more efficiently and effectively accomplish their charges, may approve changes to subcommittee charges and may eliminate committees no longer judged to be needed. Membership on faculty committee is not limited to faculty.

See the Normandale Community College Intranet: Committees & Tools and Templates for current members.

Subpart B: Administrative committees are established by the President to assist in the operations of the college and for campus input in the decision-making process. Administrative committees may create subcommittees as a means to more efficiently and effectively accomplish their charges. The President approves changes to committee charges and may eliminate committees no longer judged to be needed.

See the Normandale Community College Intranet: Committees & Tools and Templates for current members.

Subpart C: Student Committees

Student committees are established by the Student Senate of Normandale Community College to provide input into issues pertinent to student life at the college. Membership on student committees is not limited to students.

See the Normandale Community College Intranet: Committees & Tools and Templates for current members.

Subpart D: Task Forces, Work Groups and Project Teams

These are temporary entities created as needs arise, such as meeting new initiatives or responding to issues.

Part 2: Appointments

Subpart A: The charge for each committee shall define membership and the process through which members are appointed. Committee appointments should be for a fixed term. Terms should be rotated to insure stability and continuity of the committee. Once individuals complete their term, they may be reappointed to serve two or more consecutive terms.

Subpart B: Faculty are appointed to faculty committees by MSCF. Appointments of other members to these committees are at the discretion of the President of the College.

Subpart C: Faculty are recommended to the President of the College for membership on administrative committees.

Subpart D: Appointments to task forces, work groups and project teams are at the discretion of the President. Suggestions for faculty appointments to these groups may be solicited from MSCF but may also be selected on the basis of specialized knowledge relevant to the work of the group.

Part 3: Creation and Revisions to Committee Charges

Subpart A: Except for those committees specified in the MSCF agreement, committees are established and their charges revised with the approval of the President.

Subpart B: Committee charge documents should be reviewed annually with any recommendations for changes submitted to the President.

Subpart C: With the approval of the President, committees may be eliminated if they are deemed no longer needed.

Policy History:

Date of Adoption: 3/10/2011

Department / Owner: Business Office

Next Review Date: 12/06/2022

Date and Subject of Revisions:

10/29/18, MnSCU changed to Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and formatting changes.