2020 - 2021 Course Catalog

Geography - Associate of Arts Emphasis (AA)

60 Credits

Completing an AA in Geography gives you the background to interpret the complex relationships between people and their environment. Geographers interpret patterns of social, economic, and political activity on Earth, as they seek to understand variations in those human/environment relationships. This program provides the foundation and skills to transfer to a four-year institution to complete a degree and pursue a career in geography.

Required Courses

Incorporate the following Required Courses into the General Education/Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or Additional Course Requirements sections below.

GEOG 1101Earth's Natural Environments

4 cr

GEOG 1102Human Geography

3 cr

Complete at least two of the following seven courses for a total of at least 6 credits:

GEOG 1104Resources, Society and Environment

3 cr

GEOG 1121World Regional Geography

3 cr

GEOG 1125Geography of the United States and Canada

3 cr

GEOG 1170Cities

3 cr

GEOG 1172Introductory Meteorology

4 cr

GEOG 1180Cartography and Geographic Information Systems

3 cr

GEOG 1900Topics in Geography

1-4 cr

General Education/Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) – 40 Credits

*See MnTC Curriculum for specific course options

Goal 1: Communication – 2 Courses

ENGC 1101College Writing

4 cr

COMM 1100Introduction to Communication

3 cr


COMM 1101Fundamentals of Public Speaking

3 cr


COMM 1111Interpersonal Communication

3 cr


COMM 1121Small Group Communication

3 cr

Goal 2: Critical Thinking

(Met by completion of all 40 credits of the MnTC)

Goal 3: Natural Sciences – 2 Courses

(Select from two different departments; at least one must include a lab)

Course #1 - met by taking required GEOG course

Course #2 _______________

Goal 4: Mathematical/Logical Reasoning – 1 Course

Course __________________

Goal 5: History and Social/Behavioral Sciences – 2 Courses

(Select from two different departments)

Course #1 – met by taking required GEOG courses

Course #2 _______________

Goal 6: Humanities and Fine Arts- 2 Courses

(Select from two different departments)

Course #1 _______________

Course #2 _______________

Goal 7: Human Diversity – 1 Course

Course __________________

(can be met by taking GEOG 1125 or GEOG 1170)

Goal 8: Global Perspective – 1 Course

Course – met by taking required GEOG courses

Goal 9: Ethical and Civic Responsibility – 1 Course

Course __________________

(can be met by taking GEOG 1170)

Goal 10: People and The Environment – 1 Course

Course - met by taking required GEOG courses

Additional Course Requirements – 20 Credits

One Health (HLTH) course.

One Exercise Science (EXSC) course.

Elective credits – additional course(s) numbered 1000 and above, if needed to complete the 60-credit requirement.

Other Degree Requirements

  • Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 for college-level coursework (courses numbered 1000 and above) completed at Normandale.
  • Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 in the MnTC.
  • Earn a minimum of 20 college-level credits at Normandale.