Leave of Absence Policy

A leave of absence from the College may be granted to students for reasons other than academic difficulties for up to one full year after the end of the semester in progress. Students who do not intend to return in a subsequent semester must file for a Leave of Absence in order to remain classified as an "active" student. The leave requires approval by the academic advisors and the Registrar, and begins after the end of the semester in progress. Students requesting a leave of absence need to complete the Leave of Absence/Withdrawal Form available in the Office of the Registrar. The student must indicate his/her intended date of return to the College on the form. If the student does not return to the College on or before the appropriate date, he/she will be considered as having withdrawn from the College.

A student returning from a Leave of Absence MUST meet all requirements in place at the time of the approved leave of absence as long as the student returns within two academic semesters. Students taking a Leave of Absence who have received loans should consult the Financial Aid Office for information about loan repayment obligations. Filing for a Leave of Absence does not preclude suspension or dismissal at the conclusion of a semester. Students who were placed on probation at the time they took a leave of absence will, upon their return, continue to be on probation, and will be required to meet the conditions set by the College while they are on probation.