Academic Dismissal

  1. Students whose semester GPA falls below 2.0 for three (3) consecutive semesters will receive an Academic Dismissal from the College.

  2. Students whose cumulative GPA remains below a 2.0 within two semesters after a probationary semester will receive an Academic Dismissal from the College.

  3. Any student returning from an Academic Dismissal (e.g., as the result of a successful appeal leading to reinstatement) who receives a returning semester GPA less than 2.0 will receive a FINAL Academic Dismissal that cannot be appealed.

The following applies to students who are Academically Dismissed from Mount Saint Mary College†:

  1. Dismissed students will receive notification of dismissal from the Registrar shortly after semester grades are recorded and the Academic Standards Committee meets to review academic progress (typically in late December or early January, and again in late May or early June).

  2. Dismissed students will be required to complete at least 12 credits of academic coursework at another regionally accredited two- or four-year institution with at least a 2.5 GPA prior to consideration for readmission to Mount Saint Mary College. It is strongly suggested that dismissed students consult with an academic advisor prior to taking courses at another institution to make sure courses are appropriate for the student’s program of study and will transfer back, should the student be readmitted.

  3. Dismissed students may appeal to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs for readmission to the College for a semester that is at least one full year since their dismissal. Dismissed students should keep in mind that an absence of more than one full academic year constitutes a break in matriculation and would require reapplication for admission to the College. Prior enrollment at Mount Saint Mary College is not a guarantee of readmission to Mount Saint Mary College after an Academic Dismissal.

  4. A second dismissal from Mount Saint Mary College is considered a FINAL dismissal and cannot be appealed under any circumstances. Students dismissed twice are ineligible for readmission to the College under any circumstances.

  5. Students who are academically dismissed and are subsequently reinstated at a later date will be required to meet all requirements in force at the time of readmission. Students academically dismissed from the College are also dismissed from their major. If readmitted, they must re-declare their major and must meet the requirements for that major in effect at the time of readmission.