
Philosophy, BA (Pending NYSED Approval)

Philosophy, as a discipline, focuses on the fundamental issues of existence, particularly the issues associated with the human person: these issues include the foundation and limits of knowledge, the nature of reality, and the basis of ethical principles. Along with the insights gained from examining these issues, philosophy aids in the development of critical thinking, communication, and interdisciplinary skills necessary for a student's current education, and necessary for preparation beyond the classroom.

The philosophy major is a program that ensures a traditional foundation in the study of philosophy -- a launchpad for those students who have an interest in pursuing advanced studies in philosophy. The major is also a platform for students in other disciplines to explore the philosophical foundations and ethical dimensions of their own disciplines and professional programs.

The philosophy major is a rigorous program that investigates a sequence of foundational courses addressing the areas of metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and logic. Students continue to investigate these topics in advanced courses in one of several defined tracks. Finally, they demonstrate their abilities to recognize the connections between philosophy and other disciplines by engaging in a capstone philosophical research project.

Philosophy Minor

Although there is no major in philosophy, its broad range of electives should fill the needs of the inquiring student.

Students taking courses in philosophy will find themselves confronted with some of the great questions that assail the thinking person. Insights and theories formulated by major philosophers of the Western and Eastern intellectual traditions are examined and the basic skills of philosophical thought are mastered. It is the aim of the Division of Philosophy and Religious Studies to teach each student to philosophize.

The general education requirement in philosophy may be filled by any philosophy course except Independent Study.

No student may apply more than three credits at the 1000 level toward the degree.