Prior Learning Assessment

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) is the evaluation of any learning that did not take place in a traditional college classroom or that was garnered outside of traditional college courses. This can include, but is not limited to, on the job training, community service, voluntary service, independent study or hobbies, professional development courses, and training at conference seminars or workshops. Students demonstrate the college level learning they have acquired through any of these methods, or a combination of one or more, and are assessed through a portfolio of prior learning experience.

In addition, reflecting on prior learning experience and relating it to college level learning is a valuable exercise unto itself; it provides the student with the opportunity to analyze what they have learned. PLA goes hand in hand with the non-traditional format of the Adult Degree Completion Program. The student can identify potential learning experiences and use that learning where it would fit best: to fulfill requirements within their major, or as liberal arts electives.

Credits are granted by the institution to students who can prove the level of knowledge they have acquired outside of academia over an extended period of time. In addition, credits are granted not based upon the experience itself, but the level of learning and knowledge obtained through the experience, which is presented through a well-crafted portfolio.