Internships, Independent Studies

Internships and/or independent studies can be used to satisfy major or elective requirements for the baccalaureate degree. Independent Study is a course designed by the student and a faculty member. Such study is intended to give the student the responsibility and freedom in investigating subjects of special interest, expand knowledge beyond the limits of a given course, or allow upper level research. It may take a variety of forms, such as readings, art projects, research projects, or work evolving from another course. Independent Study is not intended to complete other courses.

No more than 18 credits in internships and independent studies combined can be used toward the degree. Of these 18 credits, a maximum of 6 credits may be applied to independent studies. At least 12 of the 18 credits must be used within the major. Divisions have the right to further limit the number of enrollments in internships and independent studies. Credit will not be awarded for work completed before registration for an internship or independent study.

In addition, students must meet the following additional requirements for independent studies: Have a minimum of 60 credits; have a minimum GPA of 2.75; develop and submit a proposed course outline to a faculty mentor; and meet the requirements of the division sponsoring the independent study.