Study Abroad

The Career Center assists students pursuing an academic year, semester, summer, or January Interim program abroad. Study abroad enhances the college experience for students by providing opportunities in academic achievement, global competence, and personal growth through international education. Students may opt to study with Mount Saint Mary College faculty in short-term programs or with outside providers in January interim, summer, semester, or year-long programs.

The Mount sponsors its own short-term summer, spring break, and interim study abroad programs. While these Mount-based programs are primarily directed toward its own student body, students from other colleges and universities are welcome to participate. Preference is given first to Mount students with a minimum 2.5 Grade Point Average; secondly, to students from member institutions in the Lower Hudson Valley Catholic Colleges Consortium; and thirdly, to students from other colleges and universities.

In order to participate in a program abroad, students must have sophomore standing and a minimum 2.5 overall GPA or a 3.0 within their major field, be in good academic and social standing, and be making satisfactory progress toward his/her degree. Students must fully complete an application to be accepted into the program. Students must be off academic probation for one full semester prior to travel and be free of any disciplinary action during the time of travel. A satisfactory interview with the Director of the Career Center may also be required.

Short-term programs are led by Mount faculty and run anywhere from 10 days to four weeks. Students earn Mount Saint Mary College credits while studying and living abroad in locations such as New Zealand, Italy, China, London, Australia, Spain, etc.

Semester-long programs allow students to study abroad for an entire semester or an academic year. These experiences are arranged on an individual student basis with our third party providers. Courses and programs of study must be approved by the Career Center, faculty advisor, and Registrar. Students are responsible for all provider fees including housing, living costs and airfare, and pay tuition directly to Mount Saint Mary College. Provider tuition fees must not exceed the costs of Mount tuition. Mount students have recently studied abroad in Morocco, Ireland, Japan, Costa Rica, Thailand, England, South Korea, Italy, etc.

Note: In order for credits to transfer from abroad from a foreign institution or another American college, students must achieve the equivalent of a C grade or better. All academic coursework is approved prior to travel to assure that appropriate degree progress is being met.