Add/Drop Policy

The add/drop period allows students the opportunity to alter their schedule without incurring a notation on their transcript or being charged for courses dropped during this time. For traditional courses, this period extends for the first week of the semester. For accelerated courses, this period ends after the first week of the class. To add a course, a student must login to their MSMC portal to do so or complete and submit the Request to Add/Drop Form to the Registrars Office. See the Academic Calendar for specific add/drop dates.

Students may not attend classes for which they have not officially registered. Students who attend class without the proper authorization from the Registrar will not receive a grade or credit for the class. A student can add courses to their schedule via the MSMC portal, or by submitting an add slip to the Registrar by the specified deadline.

Not attending a class does not, by itself, constitute an official drop from that course. To officially drop a course, students must use the MSMC portal or submit the Request to Add/Drop Form to the Registrars Office by the specified deadline. Failure to take the appropriate action will result in a failing grade and a financial penalty.

After the end of the add/drop period, students still have the opportunity to withdraw from a class without incurring an academic penalty. See the withdrawal policy for further details.