SWK 2120 Case Management: Practice with at-risk Populations

This fully online asynchronous course will examine the function of case management with at-risk populations. Students will immerse themselves into the role of case manager through case presentations from community-based case managers via case studies based on a “case of the week” model. Students will learn about at-risk populations and service delivery in various social service settings. They will learn to work collaboratively with community agencies and varied disciplines involved with a client case. Each case will present a client, history, psycho-social assessment, and students will provide services delivery recommendations as part of developing case management skills. concepts and principles and functions of case management practice. Cases will come from variety of local and regional within New York State agencies including some that focus on elder care, child abuse & Maltreatment, foster care and adoption, substance abuse, physical, and intellectual disabilities, health, and mental health.




Social Work