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The Barbara H. Hagan School of Nursing and Health Sciences
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ACC - Accounting
ARA - Arabic
ART - Art
ASL - American Sign Language
BIO - Biology
BLW - Business Law
BUS - Business
CHE - Chemistry
CHI - Chinese
CIS - Computer Information Systems
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CRJ - Criminal Justice
CSC - Computer Science
CVT - Cardiovascular Technology
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ENG - English
ENV - Environmental Science
ESC - Earth Science
ESL - English As a Second Language
ETH - Ethics
FIN - Finance
FRE - French
FST - First Year Studies Program
GEO - Geography
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ITA - Italian
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MAT - Mathematics
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MUS - Music
MUS 2000
MUS 2030
MUS 2040
MUS 2050
MUS 2060
MUS 2070
MUS 2080
MUS 2090
MUS 2130
MUS 2160
MUS 2180
MUS 2190
MUS 2200
MUS 2210
MUS 2220
MUS 2230
MUS 2250
MUS 2260
MUS 2270
MUS 2300T
MUS 2350
MUS 2450
MUS 2460
MUS 2470
MUS 2500
MUS 2510
MUS 2580
MUS 2640
MUS 2720
MUS 2730
MUS 2751
MUS 2752
MUS 2753
MUS 2800
MUS 2830
MUS 2850
MUS 2900H
NMT - Nuclear Medicine Technology
NUR - Nursing
PED - Physical Education
PHI - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
POL - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
RES - Respiratory Care
SAP - Study Abroad Program
SIP - Summer Immersion Program
SLP - Speech-Language Pathology
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SSC - Student Solution Center
SWK - Social Work
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Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024
MUS - Music
» 2000
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MUS 2000
History of Music II
MUS 2030
Music in the Twentieth Century
MUS 2040
Sight Singing/Ear Training II
MUS 2050
American Music
MUS 2060
Sight Singing/Ear Training III
MUS 2070
Advanced Class Guitar
MUS 2080
Popular Music (K-Pop) and Culture - Korea
MUS 2090
History of Jazz
MUS 2130
Harmony II
MUS 2160
Orchestration I
MUS 2180
Conducting I
MUS 2190
Music for Children Methods
MUS 2200
Piano Accompaniment
MUS 2210
Perspectives on Latin American Music
MUS 2220
Secondary Music Methods
MUS 2230
Keyboard Harmony I
MUS 2250
History of Rock and Roll
MUS 2260
Conducting II
MUS 2270
Music for Young Children
MUS 2300T
Advanced Music Theory for Theatre
MUS 2350
Singing and Signing: Level II
MUS 2450
Audio Technology I
MUS 2460
Audio Technology II
MUS 2470
Audio Technology III
MUS 2500
Music Education Seminar
MUS 2510
Private Studio Pedagogy
MUS 2580
Master Class I
MUS 2640
Opera Workshop
MUS 2720
Music Therapy: Theories and Methods I
MUS 2730
Music Therapy: Theories and Methods II
MUS 2751
Telehealth: Music Therapy in the 21st Century I
MUS 2752
Telehealth: Music Therapy in the 21st Century II
MUS 2753
Telehealth: Music Therapy in the 21st Century III
MUS 2800
Professional Growth in Music Therapy Training
MUS 2830
Music Therapy Lab
MUS 2850
Music Therapy and Older Adults
MUS 2900H
(Honors) Music and Society Through History