RES 3020 Respiratory Care Therapeutics I

Review of physical concepts and laws governing fluids, composition and percentages of atmospheric gases. Included are the principles, operations, maintenance and identifying characteristics of primary gas systems. The rationales, indications, contraindications, hazards and maintenance of common Medical Gas delivery systems as required by regulation and law are reviewed in depth. Applications of humidity and humidifiers; aerosol and nebulizers; administration of aerosolized solutions; gas analysis and analyzers are viewed within their clinical uses. Techniques and usage of Incentive spirometry, IPPB, and other hyperinflation techniques are taught. The appropriate uses of advanced oxygen and aerosol therapy are addressed. Testing will include both written and hands-on performance. Class will meet for minimum of 3 hours lecture and 2 hours laboratory each week.




RES 3000, RES 3010


Allied Health Sciences

