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The Barbara H. Hagan School of Nursing and Health Sciences
School of Arts and Sciences
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School of Education and Human Services
ACC - Accounting
ARA - Arabic
ART - Art
ASL - American Sign Language
BIO - Biology
BLW - Business Law
BUS - Business
CHE - Chemistry
CHI - Chinese
CIS - Computer Information Systems
COM - Communication Arts
COR - Core
CRJ - Criminal Justice
CSC - Computer Science
CVT - Cardiovascular Technology
ECO - Economics
EDU - Education
ENG - English
ENV - Environmental Science
ESC - Earth Science
ESL - English As a Second Language
ETH - Ethics
FIN - Finance
FRE - French
FST - First Year Studies Program
GEO - Geography
GRN - Gerontology
HIS - History
HON - Honors
HSL - Health Service Leadership
INT - Interdiscipinary Studies
ITA - Italian
LGL - Legal Studies
LIB - Library Studies
MAT - Mathematics
MKT - Marketing
MUS - Music
NMD - New Media
NMT - Nuclear Medicine Technology
NUR - Nursing
PED - Physical Education
PHI - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
POL - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
RES - Respiratory Care
SAP - Study Abroad Program
SIP - Summer Immersion Program
SLP - Speech-Language Pathology
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SPA - Spanish
SSC - Student Solution Center
SWK - Social Work
THA - Theatre Arts
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Undergraduate Catalog 2022 - 2023
» EDU - Education
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EDU - Education
EDU 1000
EDU 2000
Curriculum and Instruction in Visual Arts for Childhood Education
EDU 2010
Curriculum and Instruction in Visual Arts for Adolescence Education
EDU 2290
Strategies for All Learners in the Diverse Classroom
EDU 2300
Field Experience in a School Setting
EDU 2310
Assessment: Uncovering the Abilities of Students with Disabilities in the School Setting
EDU 2350
Students with Disabilities in the School Setting: Characteristics and Educational Needs for the Classroom Teacher
EDU 2360
Curriculum and Methodology in Early Childhood Education, Birth-Grade 2
EDU 2520
Teaching Diverse Learners
EDU 2600
Foundations of Education for Regular and Special Education Teachers
EDU 2610
Law and Professionalism in Inclusive Settings
EDU 2650
Critical Examination of Issues in Education
EDU 3110
Methods and Techniques of Teaching Science for Adolescent Students
EDU 3140
Methods and Techniques of Teaching Mathematics for Adolescent Students
EDU 3150
Methods and Techniques of Teaching Spanish for Adolescent Students
EDU 3160
Methods and Techniques of Teaching Social Studies for Adolescent Students
EDU 3190
Methods and Techniques of Teaching English for Adolescent Students
EDU 3320
Literacy in the Content Areas for Childhood Teachers I and II
EDU 3330
Literacy in the Content Areas for Childhood Teachers I and II
EDU 3340
Literacy in the Content Areas for Adolescent Teachers I, II
EDU 3370
Literacy in the Content Areas for Adolescent Teachers I, II
EDU 3380
Literacy in the Content Areas for Childhood Teachers
EDU 3390
Literacy in the Content Areas for Adolescent Teachers
EDU 3410
Mathematics in the Diverse Classroom Birth-Grade 2/Childhood 1-6
EDU 3460
Science in the Diverse Classroom Birth-Grade 2/Childhood 1-6/Adolescent 7-12
EDU 3510
Social Studies in the Diverse Classroom Birth-Grade 2/Childhood 1-6
EDU 3550
Field Experience in a School Setting-Childhood/EC Program
EDU 3570
Field Experience in a School Setting-Childhood/Special Education Program
EDU 3660
Principles and Techniques of Teaching Adolescent Students in the Diverse Classroom
EDU 3680
Field Experience in a School Setting-Adolescence Programs
EDU 3690
Field Experience in a School Setting (Special Subjects Programs: Music Education and Visual Arts Education)
EDU 3700
Field Experience in a School Setting-Adolescence/Special Education Program
EDU 4810
Childhood 1-6/Early Childhood Birth-2 Student Teaching
EDU 4820
Childhood/Special Education Student Teaching
EDU 4850
Adolescence Student Teaching
EDU 4870
Adolescence/Special Education Student Teaching
EDU 4880
Visual Arts Education-Student Teaching
EDU 4890
Music Education - Student Teaching
EDU 4900
Student Teaching Seminar-All Certification Programs