ART 4550 Strategies for a Successful Arts Career

(also MUS 4550, NMD 4550)

This course is a comprehensive introduction to essential career building activities in the Visual Arts, New Media, (digital art, music and sound) and Communications. The curriculum will aid in the formulation of a competitive e-portfolio, resume, or CV, that showcases the student’s unique skills using dynamic and emerging technologies. Students will be required to build their resumes in both professional and philanthropic contexts. Students will also apply branding strategies to their name, work, and career goals so as to build a digital presence, acquire available grants, funds and fiscal sponsorship. Networking and accessing Kickstarter sites to supplement individual projects is also required. Pragmatically, the course will also touch on time management, budgets, the legal requirements of setting up a small business, free-lance practices, the benefits of incorporation, joining applicable professional organizations and the possible necessity of balancing a beginning arts career with a "day job".






Upon request