Directory for School of Business Programs


The Casey Center C-103

516.323.3100 | Graduate Business

Gioia P. Bales, Dean of the School of Business

Brian O'Neill, Graduate Program Director, MBA Business Programs

Professors: Bruce L. Haller, Maureen L. Mackenzie-Ruppel

Associate Professors: Daniel R. Ball,  Meryl Rosenblatt

Assistant Professors: John Catalano, Peter D'Antonio, Dawn DiStefano, Donna Iucolano, Steven Kent, Robert Kissell, Brian Noll

Auxiliary Part-Time Instructors: Alan Halperin, Antonia Loschiavo, David Reiss  

Adjunct Instructors:  Kelli Burgos, Adrienne Carroll, Matthew DePace, Kathy Garramone, R. Wes Kirchoff,  Paul Portsmore, Jack Wagner