Admission Requirements

Students interested in preparing for a career in Social Work should consult with a Social Work faculty advisor. Students who declare Social Work as a major program of study may begin to take introductory courses in Social Work (SWK 2000, SWK 2500, or any 2000-level SWK course). Students must complete an application and be accepted into the program prior to taking any additional courses in Social Work. In order to gain admission to the program, students must meet the following criteria:

  • A student must have an overall 2.7 cumulative index prior to admittance into the Social Work Program.
  • Students who do not meet this requirement may be evaluated for a probationary acceptance or referred to Interdisciplinary Studies as an alternate pathway to a career in Human Services.
  • Submission of an application and program essay should be submitted to Dr. Lisa Newland, Chairperson, Social Work Department, and must be completed prior to admission into the Social Work Program.
  • Additional requirements may include an interview with the Program Director.

While life experience (experiential learning) credit may be granted for General Education courses in accordance with college policy, it is not available for required or elective Social Work courses.

Transfer Student Admission Policy

All students transferring to the College with an interest in Social Work must contact the College Admissions office first and be accepted by the College. The credits earned at other accredited institutions are accepted toward the baccalaureate degree in accordance with the admissions policy of Molloy College. The special needs of transfer students are met through regular sequencing of courses and individualized evaluation of previous educational experience.

Since Social Work is an upper division program, students are expected to acquire a liberal arts foundation before entering the program.

A personal interview with the Social Work Baccalaureate Program Director may be required before admission into the program. Transferring students must submit their applications prior to their acceptance into the program.

For students who already have a baccalaureate degree in another field and wish to attain an additional degree in social work, the following courses must be completed: Major Requirements as listed herein as well as PSY 3260.