2023-2024 Catalog and Student Handbook

Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory Grade Option

Students with junior or senior standing and a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 may elect to take one course per semester in which the evaluation is made on a satisfactory-unsatisfactory basis, instead of the usual letter grades. The following conditions apply to this option.

  1. Courses taken to fulfill requirements for a major, minor or certificate and the general education requirements for graduation are excluded from this option;
  2. The student exercising this option will do so with the permission of his or her advisor at the time of registration. In accord with the current practice for changing courses, the student will not be allowed to convert to the regular grading system or to convert a course from the regular grading system after the second week of the semester;
  3. The instructor will be apprised of the students taking the course under the option, with the understanding that the student will satisfy the same requirements for entrance into and completion of the course expected of students enrolled under the regular grading system;
  4. When an instructor is permanently replaced after the first week of the semester, students are allowed the option (which must be exercised within one week) of changing their choice of receiving a grade in the course to one of receiving an S or U. The student is also given the opportunity to withdraw from the course whether or not the nine-week drop period has passed;
  5. Any student may elect to take any Lifetime Activity Course in physical education on an S/U basis. Such election need not satisfy the above conditions and does not preclude the election of an additional S/U course under the above conditions;
  6. Any use of the S/U option other than specified above may be authorized by the Curriculum Committee with the concurrence of the appropriate department chairperson.

Additionally, the Curriculum Committee grant the following approvals:

  1. A department may elect to offer a course only on an S/U basis; enrollment by a student in such a course does not deprive that student of the opportunity to use the S/U option for another course during that same semester;
  2. A department may elect to exclude any course from the S/U option.